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I stare blankly at Riven, was this a joke? He couldn't be serious, I thought to myself, and yet he was still standing there with that most innocently stupid look on his face.

"You're messing with me," I say rolling my eyes. "This is just another one of your damn jokes?"

"And why exactly would I joke about this?"

"Better question, why wouldn't you?"

I cross my arms and look at Riven determined to find out the truth behind his so-called, change of heart.

What exactly could his ulterior motive be?

Riven sighs.

"Listen I get why you're questioning me, clearly I didn't give off the best impression before," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh really, I haven't noticed."

"Okay sassy pants," he rolls his eyes annoyed. "I'll be honest I didn't think you could handle it, I thought you were some weak-minded girl who just always wanted to see the good in people and never the harsh reality."

"Wow Riven," I say with an even more annoyed expression. "You're really not holding anything back there are you?"

"You want the truth or not?"

I stand quietly waiting for him to continue.

"That's what I thought," he smirks. "Regardless, you've proven me wrong yet again and made me rethink my actions and I'll be transparent here, no one has done that in a while. If you haven't noticed I can be a bit stubborn."

"A bit huh," I say with a playful smirk. "I hadn't noticed that either."

"Haha very funny," Riven rolls his eyes. "But I'm serious, if you still want the job, it's yours."

"Hmm," I think for a moment. "Yeah, I think I'll pass."

"W- What?!" Riven's face goes blank by my answer. "I thought this is what you wanted...?"

"Oh, it is," I put my hands on my hips. "But working for you is more than I can handle, especially with those mood swings. Why would I stress myself out?"

I turn around and start walking away, I could hear Riven walk behind me and suddenly hops in front of me stopping me in my tracks.

"Okay well, what can I do to make you reconsider?" Riven says holding out his arms. "Will a hug make you feel better?"



Riven takes a pause and pulls out a piece of paper along with a pen, he starts writing something down. Once he's done he folds the paper perfectly in half and hands it over to me.

"What's this?" I ask, holding the piece of paper.

"Well considering we aren't in front of lawyers, I wrote an agreement between us."

I open the folded paper and start reading out loud.

This is a written agreement between Riven Danton and Violet Lightwood, regarding her employment as my assistant. If Miss Lightwood agrees to work for me, I promise not to an ignorant and arrogant jerk towards her. She will be treated with great respect from myself and if I overstep she has the right to quit with no consequences.

Created and Signed by

Riven Danton.

Riven Danton

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