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I picked up my phone that began going off for the tenth time and slammed my finger on the off button. My eyes pried open and noticed the time was half-past six.

My eyes jolted open and I threw myself out of bed, running over to the windows where I see the sun begin to rise from behind the mountains, it almost looked like a beautiful painting placed right outside my bedroom window. I let out a gentle sigh at the thought of how much I would miss the home I grew up in.

I hear footsteps come from outside my room, quickly shutting the curtains and tiptoeing my way to the door. Poking my head out from the side, I saw all the lights were still off and it seemed that everyone was still asleep. Taking a deep breath, I head back over to the window, grabbing a rope that I had made from old clothes, and threw it outside watching one end hit the ground then tying the other end to my bed.

I take one last look around my room as I leave the memories of my childhood behind for good.

Tossing one leg out the window, I held on to the rope, throwing the rest of my body over, and slid down to the ground landing perfectly on my feet.

All those years of gymnastics were finally paying off.

I rush over to the side of the house where the large hedges are and grabbed two suitcases I had filled yesterday with my most valuable things.

I sprinted to the driveway where a gorgeous white sports car was waiting for me, I noticed a woman in her late thirties waiting for me by the trunk with her arms crossed looking over at me with an annoyed expression.

"You know when I agreed to help you, it meant I can't get caught either right?" She says taking my suitcases and putting them into the car. "We agreed to get you out of here before the sun came up."

"I know, but I kind of passed out after staying up all night," I mumble letting out a yawn. "Besides this isn't a crime, you are family, aunt Chloe."

"Don't start with me Violet," Chloe annoyingly says, pulling me into a hug. "Just be glad I don't care for that brother of mine and care about you a lot more."

"Aww, I love you too."

"Now enough of this mushy garbage," she says as we got into the car. "Let's get you as far away as possible."

Chloe started the car and before I knew it, my family and childhood home were far behind me. This wasn't how I wanted to leave home, actually, I would have loved to live with my father for as long as possible but that was before he had gotten remarried and even went so far as to have another daughter with a woman who wasn't my mom.

At the young age of five, my mom had passed away due to her health issues, even though she always made it seem she was healthy and nothing bad could happen, that wasn't the case. As the years went on she slowly got worse and worse and there was nothing anyone could do.

I remember staying by her side until the day she died, no one could imagine how I felt being so young and watching my mom slowly slip away from me.

It wasn't too long after, around the age of ten father brought home a woman that I really wasn't a fan of but little did I know that woman would soon become my stepmom and bring home my father's bastard child, also known as my half-sister, Lily, who was probably only two years younger than me.

I remember him sitting me down and confessing how alone he felt, but also how sorry he was for cheating on mom while she was ill and even having a child with another woman.

How could a ten-year-old even handle that kind of betrayal from a man she called her dad? I didn't have much of a choice, well that was until aunt Chloe found out what her own brother had done.

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