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I open my eyes to get a glimpse of the warm sunlight beaming on my face. I shuffle myself over and see Riven peacefully sleeping beside me, I gently run my fingers against his skin.

He looks like a child when he sleeps.

It's had a couple months since the news about Riven and I broke out, I'll be honest it was a rollercoaster. His step mother was furious about what we decided to do but thankfully we had the support of everyone around us so her opinion didn't matter.

So what was our decision? We couldn't hide the feelings we had for each other anymore, we had become so close that our innocent friendship grew into something more. I still remember that day when the media was in an uproar about Riven being off the market, but instead of protecting his image, he took my hand and announced to the media that I was his girlfriend.

I smile at the memory of that day as I continue to admire him.

"What are you smiling about?"

Our eyes meet as Riven caresses the side of my face and speaks.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asks.

I shake my head. "No, this is the first time in a while that I slept this long."

"Oh? Were you not able to sleep at your place?"

"It's not that, you know my situation with my father..." I sign. "I guess it always felt like I had to be on the look out, but surprisingly I'm always able to sleep with you beside me."

He smile cunningly. "Really? Does this mean you'll sleep over more often?"

"Oh please," I jokingly push him. "I only slept over because I fell asleep before the movie ended."

"You know i've never met someone who could fall asleep during a horror movie, you're really something."

"What did you expect me to jump into your arms, asking you to protect me?" I giggle.

Riven's hand reaches around my waist and he pulls me against him, he leans down as I feel his breath against my skin. "Clearly I didn't have to do anything and you still ended up in my arms like always."

I blush intensely and shove Riven away from me nearly jumping out of the bed, Riven let's out a childish laugh as he watches me land on the floor.

"I hate you!" I say annoyed. "Why do you do that?!"

"Do what? Flirt with you?" he continues to laugh. "I thought that's what boyfriends do?"

"That's not flirting... that's seduction!" I say standing up brushing myself off. "You act like something happened but we both know all we did was sleep."

He goes quiet and stares at me with a sly smile on his face.

"Nothing happened, right?", my eyes pop.

Riven says nothing and gets out of bed without another word, he simply heads towards the bathroom as I call out to him.

I quickly jump over the bed and blot in front of him blocking his way to the bathroom.

"Answer me," I demand placing my hand on his bare chest. "I know we had a couple of drinking but I would have remembered, so if you know something then-"

Before I could even finish my sentence Riven lips are on mine and he kisses me softly.

"That should shut you up for a second," he whispers as he pulls away from me. "To answer your question no, nothing happened last night and I wouldn't put you in a position where you wouldn't remember."

He brushes my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear and smiles. However his smile turns almost devilish as he leans down and whispers seductively in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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