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"I should probably go..."

I turn my back to Riven and begin to walk away.

As much as I would have wanted to be there for him, it was clear he didn't want me around, or at least that was the message I was getting.

The mixed signals I got made me more confused than ever, Riven seemed like a sweet guy but would immediately do a 180 and be the complete opposite.


I turn around and look at him as he slowly approaches me.

"Are you free right now?"

"Well you did just deny me a job, so that answer is pretty clear," I say with an attitude still feeling a bit peeved with what he had done. "Is there something you need?"

He doesn't say anything, simply tilting his head over to a small café across the street.

I follow closely behind him as he takes my hand to cross the busy roads. He holds the door open for me and steps inside.

"Riven!" A cheerful voice shouts.

I see a woman around the same as me working behind the counter, she had long black hair with bangs. Her skin was fair and her eyes were a golden-brown shade, she seemed like a ray of sunshine especially when she saw me walk in with Riven.

Hopping over the counter she makes her way to the both of us.

"Wow Riv, you finally got yourself a girlfriend," she says with excitement. "My name is Jasmine, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh, um you too."

"Would you stop, you're clearly making Violet uncomfortable," Riven says as he pulls you back towards him and out of Jasmine's reach. "Besides she's not my girlfriend, I just brought her here for some food."

"Of course, you did," Jasmine says as she rolls her eyes at Riven. "Why would I get my hopes up?"

"Just show us to a table already," Riven says annoyed.


Jasmine leads the both of us to a quiet area in the café beside a window, Riven pulls out a chair for me like a gentleman and walks across the table to sit down. Jasmine places two menus on the table and tells us to take our time then walks away.

"Sorry about her," Riven speaks softly looking through the menu. "She can be a bit... much."

"It's alright, besides she seems really nice."

I look up at Riven as he's still looking at the menu, I admired him for a moment as the sun hits his face and exposes his bright blue eyes.

"Are you two... um close?"

Riven looks up at me to see me still looking at him innocently.

"Close huh?" Riven asks with a condescending smirk on his face. "Are you jealous?"

I roll my eyes, turning my head to look out the window.

"Jasmine is friends with my sister, which is why she's so nagging towards me," Riven explains calmly as he continues looking at the menu. "Besides she's not really my type, too crazy for me."

"That's rude!"


Jasmine smacks Riven on the head with her notepad, I turn my head immediately hearing the loud smack.

"What the heck Jas?!" Riven shouts rubbing the back of his head.

"Didn't Alisha teach you not to disrespect women?!"

APARTMENT 143Where stories live. Discover now