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All eyes were on me.

At least that's what it felt like.

As I walked into work it felt as if I had a sign on my back or that everyone knew about Riven and I, the knot in my stomach made me want to bolt back out that door but before I could...

"Violet!" I hear my name called out. Turning my head I see Kai waving at me from the other side of the lobby. He quickly walks over to me and smiles with his child-like eyes.

"So are you going to give me the details?"

"Details?" I asked confused.

"Yeah we saw you and Riven leave the club together," he chuckles. "Did anything happen?"

"Oh um-"

"Would you leave her alone!" Alisha interrupts, smacking Kai on the head. "Violet's life is none of your business."

"You can't tell me you're not curious?" Kai flirtatiously mocks Alisha as she rolls her eyes.

"Curiosity or not, it's still none of our business and you sir need to learn some boundaries," she says crossing her arms. "Did my brother at least get you home safely?"

Before I could answer the television in the lobby lights up.

"This just in!" the reporter shouts. "You've heard it here first, the most wanted bachelor of the Danton family, Mr. Riven Danton is what appears to be officially off the market!"

"What the..." Alisha shocked walks closer to the television. "What is the mean of this crap?!"

"Witnesses say that Riven was seen with a young woman by his side at a local nightclub and they were even seen leaving together," the reporter continues. "However, that's not all. We've also got photos of the steamy couple going back to his apartment and rumor has it she didn't leave until the next morning."

"Oh no..." I mumbled.

Alisha and Kai look back at me but my eyes are glued onto the news in complete horror.

"But who is this mysterious woman you may ask well our sources have that this is none other than Violet Lightwood, yes you've guessed it right! THE Andrew Lightwood's first daughter! Are we seeing a new power couple on the horizon? Or even rival families coming together? We'll keep you updated!"

"Violet..." Alisha says slowly approaching me. "Look at me, take a deep breath. This isn't what happened right? There's more to the story, isn't there?"

"I- I... don't remember everything but-"

"I don't see the problem here," Kai butts in. "They're both adults and so what if Riven is hooking up with Violet, wouldn't it be a match made in heaven?"

"BUT WE DIDN'T HOOK UP!" I shout at the top of my lungs. "WE DIDN'T SLEEP TOGETHER!"

Everyone immediately looks over at us, Kai and Alisha's eyes widen.

"Violet I didn't mean-"

"I- I should get to work." I cut Kai off and run for the elevator.

I could hear Kai call out from behind me but I didn't bother to look back. As I get in before the doors close, a foot jabs them from closing and Alisha appears.

"Mind if I get on?" she says with a gentle smile.

I shake my head and she enters. It was a bit awkward and I wasn't really sure of what to say.

"I'm sorry for what Kai said," she speaks in her calmly, gentle manner. "Sometimes he doesn't know when enough is enough, especially when he gets excited. However, it's clear that his words did strike some sort of nerve, correct?"

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