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I managed to arrive at Deaton's around the time I said I would. When I got to the parking lot Stiles' jeep was already parked there, I ran into the building and when I did I saw Deaton, Stiles and Scott all gathered around a table.

"Ahh just in time, Emma this part is for you and Stiles only." Deaton said to me, he turned around to grab a jar from behind him.

"Ooo sounds fun." I replied sarcastically.

"Hey Ems." Scott shouted over to me.

"Hey." I smiled back to him.

I walked up to Stiles and planted a kiss on his cheek. He turned to me and smiled.

We both broke away from each other when Deaton placed the jar on the counter in front of us. "Here." He said pushing the jar towards us both.

"Okay that sounds like a lot of pressure, can we find a job that has just a little less pressure for us?" He asked staring at the jar in his hands.

"It's ash wood. It is believed to stop the supernatural from causing trouble." He smiled to us.

"Okay so what do we do with it?" I asked him.

"Yeh are we meant to like spread it across the building where Jackson is so he can't be controlled?" Stiles asked.

"Yep. They'll be trapped." Deaton replied to us.

"Okay sounds easy enough." I said smiling to Stiles.

"That's not all there is. Think of it like gunpowder, it needs a spark to set it off. The both of you have to be that spark." Deaton interrupted.

"If you mean lighting ourselves on fire, I will not let her do that." Stiles said before holding my hand in his.

"No, you don't have to set yourselves or anyone for that matter on fire. Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before imagining where they want the ball go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish." Deaton said to us.

I looked up at Stiles and he too just shared my confused expression.

"Force of will." Stiles nodded looking at the ground.

"Hey, if this is going to work then you both have to believe in it okay." Deaton started.

Me and Stiles both looked at each other and tried to give each other hope but that failed miserably. "Hm." Stiles replied before turning away out of the door with my hand still held in his.

We both walked out the door of the veterinary and towards his jeep. "Stiles we are going to be okay, do you hear me?" I said to him.

"Hm." He said staring at the steering wheel in his car.

"Stiles!" I shouted to him.

"What?" He asked looking up at me.

"You are going to be fine." I smiled at him, whilst I cupped my palm onto his cheek.

"It's not me I'm worried about." He said placing his hand on top of mine.

"Stiles I will be okay. I'm not going anywhere, I love you okay." I said to him.

"I love you Ems." He replied before planting a small kiss on my forehead.

We both broke away from each other when we heard a knock at the window. It was Scott. "Go!" He shouted from the other side of the window.

After that I sat back in my sear and stiles put his foot down on the pedal.


By the time we reached his house it was dark. Stiles had gotten out of the car to get something before we were going to set off for the building. When he was about to step in the car Stiles' dad had just arrived. I slid down my seat to hide because the sheriff looked sad and I didn't really want him to notice me.

My Stilinski. (enemies to lovers).Where stories live. Discover now