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Everything was going great at the party, everyone seemed to be having fun and most of all Lydia was loving it.

I saw that she was missing for like 10 minutes and that was when I knew she went to change her dress into the blue one. I was waiting for her to come down down but I was stopped when I felt two arms snake around my waist.

I turned around to see that Stiles was stood there and wanting to dance with me. "Hey, how are you?" He asked me.

"I'm better now." I laughed.

"Aww you're so cute." He laughed, meeting my energy.

"Have you seen Lydia? I really wanna give her my present." I shouted to him, trying to get him to hear me over the loud music.

Suddenly I saw that Lydia was walking around again with drinks. I cupped Stiles' cheeks and kissed him before starting to walk off. Before I could walk away, I felt a hand grab at my arm. Stiles pulled me back into his arms. "Please stay with me for a little bit longer, I just wanna once with my girlfriend. That still feels really weird to say." He said, I started to laugh at him and that was when he joined in on my laughter.

I looked to my left, to see that Jackson was stood in the corner alone. I was relieved that he wasn't making trouble but I also felt kinda bad for him.

I looked back at Stiles was was now dancing. He was moving his arms and legs around in all different ways. "Stiles." I laughed.

"What?" He asked back letting out a little huff of exhaustion from moving around so much.

"Tell me this is forever." I said.

"What?" He asked again, this time more focused than the first.

"Us, tell me that it's forever." I repeated.

Stiles walked over to me and cupped my cheeks so that I was looking up at him. "I love you Emma Davis, and that will never change."

My heart filled with warmth from that comment and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him. I stood myself up onto my tip toes and smashed my lips against his. He moved his hands down my body and cupping me closer to him at the waist, whilst I moved my hands up his and started to run my finger through his buzzcut.

The kiss lasted for ages, when I pulled away I saw something that made me feel sick. From the corner of my eye, I saw that Allison was following Matt into the house. I always had a weird feeling about Matt from the first time I saw him at Allison's locker.

"Stiles I need to go." I said to him, before running off after Allison.



After I had finished talking to Matt, I walked downstairs after the dark figure that I saw from earlier. I followed it through the kitchen, and when I got a closer look I realised that the figure had a cross bow in their hand.

"Scott!" I shouted.

That was when the figure started to approach me and reach their bow up towards me. All of a sudden an arrow was sent flying into my stomach, I pressed my hands against the wound where I was hit and then I looked back up to get a glimpse at the person who had just shot me.

When I examined the persons face I realised that it was me.

"Look at you. Yelling for help. Always yelling for help. It's pathetic Allison. You...you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this." The figure said before pointing her bow and arrow up towards my forehead. They placed their hand on the trigger and pulled it, I shut my eyes.

My Stilinski. (enemies to lovers).Where stories live. Discover now