Regirock(Pokemon) Legendary 6

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Regirock represents the titan of rock from the three legendary Titans. Is made entirely of rocks and boulders. If parts of the body chip off in battle,Regirock repairs itself by adding new rocks.

Classification: Rock Peak Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, dynamax, immortality(Type 1), inorganic physiology(type 1), electricity manipulation, earth manipulation,ice manipulation, forcefield creation, non-physical interaction, explosion manipulation, enhanced senses, paralysis inducement, fear manipulation, healing, statistics amplification, energy manipulation, metal manipulation, martial arts, resistance to normal, flying, poison, acid and fire based attacks along with statistics reduction and sleep manipulation, self-destruction, paralysis inducement, speed reduction, able to turn its moves into homing attacks

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level(Comparable to Regice. The Regis combined superpower stopped the clash between base Groudon and Kyorge's attacks in adventure)

Speed: At least Relativistic+, likely higher

Lifting Strength: Class Z(Effortlessly lifted and tossed an automobile that had Team Rocket hidden inside. Not too inferior to Groudon)

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class

Durability: Multi-Continent level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range, thousand of kilometers with ranged attacks

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown. Above average in combat(Its odd demeanor and unfathomable way of thinking makes it difficult to discern Regirock intelligence, but it has shown of being capable in battle and knows how to efficiently use the moves at its disposal)

Weakness: Fighting, ground, steel, water and grass type moves

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

Clear Body: Regirock stats cannot be lowered by the opponent.

Sturdy: Regirock cannot be knocked out in one hit. Its also given it an immunity to OHKO attacks.

Hyper Beam: Regirock fires off a destructive beam of energy from its face. Unlike most Pokemon Regirock appears to lack the need to recharge after using the move.

Super Power: Regirock hits the opponent with immense physical force. This lowers Regirock attack and defense.

Explosion: Regirock explodes causing damage to all nearby opponents and allies. It knocks regirock out in the process.

Rock Throw: Regirock throws a rock at the opponent.

Charge Beam: Regirock fires off a beam of electricity that has a decent chance to boost its special attack.

Bulldoze:  Regirock flattens everything around it striking all opponents and allies. This lowers the speed of all who are hit. 

Ancient Power: Regirock manipulates nearby rocks with an ancient power and hurls them at the opponent. This may raise all of regirock stats.

Hammer Arm: Regirock hammers its arm down on the opponent. This also lowers Regirock speed.

Ice Punch: The target is punching with an icy fist. This may also leave the target frozen.

Rock Slide: Regirock summons rocks over its opponent to deal damage. This also may cause them to flinch.

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