Arceus (Pokemon) Move set

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This is the second part of my pokemon Arceus chapter since I ran to the limit of that chapter. So this will have all of the pokemon legendary creator move set.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

Multitype: Arceus is able to switch types based on the plates it holds, gaining new powers and resistance.

Omnipotent: A series of abilities that appeared in Pokemon Conquest, it grants Arceus the ability to heal minor wounds between trades, strike incorporeal targets, see the immediate future, and ignore defensive bonuses and resistance.

Spatial/Temporal Warp: As the creator of Palkia and Dialga, Arceus is capable of wiping things from space-time.

Judgement: Arceus can fire powerful beams of energy and light from the sky that fall down and hit it's opponents. This attack changes type depending on what type Arceus currently is and is powerful enough to cause the likes of Dialga and Palkia to stagger with a single hit.

Flamethrower: Arceus can shoot a stream of pure flames from it's face.

Blizzard: Arceus can shoot ice storms of very low temperatures at it's targets.

Twister: Arceus can blow one or two powerful dragon type twisters from it's face at the opponent.

Time Stop: Arceus can stop time itself.

Extreme Speed: Arceus immediately strikes the foes with great force, which is virtually impossible to properly react to.

Gravity: Arceus pins it's foes down by rapidly increasing gravity around it's target.

Refresh: Arceus cleanses itself, removing any inhibitory status effects such as paralysis, burns and poison.

Perish Song: Arceus let's out a melody that instantly incapacitates all who hear it(including Arceus itself) after a set amount of time.

Earth Power: Arceus shifts the earth under its target to release a massive upheaval of energy.

Recover: Arceus concentrates it's internal energies, quickly healing most wounds.

Cosmic Power: Arceus absorbs a cosmic power to boost it's defense and special defense.

Punishment: Arceus physically strikes the opponent with a dark attack that increases in power the more opponent boost their stats.

Hyper Voice: Arceus let's off an extremely powerful loud roar that damages the opponent.

Seismic Toss: The target is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the user's level.

Hyper Beam: Arceus fires off a destructive beam of energy. Unlike most pokemon it doesn't appear to need to recharge afterwards.

Outrage: Arceus rampages and attacks for a while. If there are multiple opponents each series of attacks will be directed at a random one. This leads Arceus confused afterwards.

Shadow Claw: Arceus slashes at it's opponent with a sharp claw made from shadows.

Note 1: The entity Arceus is the physical manifestation of the Original Spirit used to interact with the Pokemon Multiverse.

Note 2: The personifications of Universal laws, Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina are stated to be, through entirely separate entities, part of it as stated in the games and manga as are the Lake guardians.

Note 3: There has been rampant confusion over whether or not Arceus was the one who actively created the Pokemon multiverse due to a statement in the movie Arceus and the Jewel of Life. In the games, the primary canon, it is insisted that Arceus established the fundamental laws of the multiverse, but the Creation Trio are the ones who actively formed it.

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