Arbok(Pokemon)Pokemon 12

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Arbok is a serpentine pokemon that resembles a cobra. Arbok is territorial. It lashes out at intruders with long fangs tipped with deadly venom. Vengeful in nature, it will not give up on chase once its targets its prey or an opponent, no matter how far.

Classification: Snake Pokemon|Cobra Pokemon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, poison manipulation, darkness manipulation, statistics reduction, statistics amplification, status effect inducement, limited smoke manipulation, sound manipulation, acid manipulation, earth manipulation, power nullification, healing, metal manipulation, fear manipulation, non-physical interaction, resistance to poison manipulation, plant manipulation, ice manipulation, electricity manipulation, regeneration(Low-Mid; Arbok can regenerate as long as its head is intact), enhanced senses

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level+(Capable of battling pokemon that can harm him. Comparable to diglett and Horsea)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+(Can dodge attacks from Magnemite and other electric pokemon)

Lifting Strength: Class 25(Scaling above Mantyke, who lifts a large boulder)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block Class+|Mountain Class

Durability: Multi-City Block level+|Mountain level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range, hundred of meters with most attacks

Standard Equipment: Berry(Recovers 10 HP)|Berry and Poison Barb(Poison type moves deal 20% more damage)

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: Some forms of Earth manipulation and telekinesis

Notable Attacks/Technique:

Wrap: Ekans wrap its body around the opponent.

Poison Sting: Ekans fires multiple purple needles from its mouth at the opponent, having a high chance to poison its target.

Bite: Ekans bites down with its mouth.

Acid: Ekans spits a black or purple acid from its mouth at the opponent and it may lower the target special defense.

Acid Spray: Ekans spits fluid that works to melt its target. This harshly lowers the target special defense stat.

Mud Bomb: Ekans open its mouth and fires a ball of brown mud at the opponent, having a chance of lowering the target accuracy.

Poison Jab: Ekans tail glows purple then it uses to hit the target, it may poison the target.

Crunch: Arbok crunches down on the opponent with dark energy.

Ice Fang: Arbok bites with cold-infused fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen.

Thunder Fang: Arbok bites with electrified fangs.

Fire Fang: Arbok bites with flame-cloaked fangs. 

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