Necrozma is a Pokemon that has only been found in the Aloha region. It has characteristics similar to that of the Ultra beasts and is said to have come from another world in ancient times. It normally lies inert underground, but it awakens violently and painfully in the presence of light, which it devours as a source of energy.
Classification: Prism Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, The binding one
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, light manipulation, energy manipulation, rock manipulation, electricity manipulation, metal manipulation, gravity manipulation, regeneration (Low to Mid-Low), darkness manipulation, possession, statistics amplification, mind manipulation, flight, dimensional BFR(Via Ultra wormholes), reality warping(Necrozma's ability to open Ultra Wormholes can twist reality), spatial manipulation, longevity, can steal and absorb light and energy to strengthen itself|All Necrozma abilities, cosmic awareness, fire manipulation, metal manipulation, forcefield creation, teleportation, can ignore abilities that would attempt to stop it's Sunsteel Strike, immunity to poison and acid manipulation, resistance to normal, flying, rock, steel, grass, ice, dragon, and fairy type moves, even greater resistance to psychic type moves|All Necrozma abilities, cosmic awareness, immunity to trapping, normal and fighting type moves, resistance to poison, acid, and psychic based attacks, attack reflection, can ignore abilities that would stop or nullify Moongeist Beam, air manipulation, shadow manipulation, darkness manipulation, forcefield creation, dream manipulation, statistics amplification, mind manipulation, dimensional BFR, teleportation, intangibility, resistance to negation(Dawn Wings isn't affected by resistance to ghost and psychic type moves)|All previous abilities amplified, aura, power bestowal, draconic energy manipulation, heat manipulation(It's temperature reaches over 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Necrozma is able to shoot laser beams from every part of its body, burning through anything. While swinging it's four wings around, it tears opponents to shreds with its claws. The area that are sliced with these claws melt due to the high heat), possibly intangibility(Is made of light), life manipulation, possible creation (Ultra Necrozma's light is described to have created the Aloha region itself)
Attack Potency: At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level(Absorbed all the light out of Ultra Space, a universe which is likely infinite in size due to it containing all the Ultra wormholes)|At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level (Has absorbing all of the light from Solgaleo or Lunala and has become much stronger)At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level (Immensely stronger than before. Provides light for Ultra Megalopolis and can provide the light for other worlds as well as steal it. Illuminated all of Ultra Space), higher with Photon Geyser(Was able to easily overpower Complete Zygarde with it's Photon Geyser)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+, likely infinite
Lifting Strength: At least Class Z, likely far higher
Striking Strength: At least Galactic, likely High Universal
Durability: At least Galaxy level, likely High Universal level
Stamina: Very high. Extremely High as Ultra Necrozma
Range: Extended melee range, Planetary with projectiles and abilities to interdimensional with Ultra wormholes
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Unknown
Weakness: Necrozma is vulnerable to ghost, dark and bug type moves, albeit it's prism armor reduces the damage it would take from these moves by a fourth. Necrozma will be rendered inert if deprived of light for too long.
Notable Attacks and Techniques:
Prism Armor: Necrozma takes 25% less damage from moves that would otherwise deal massive damage to it, such as ghost, dark and bug type moves.
Moonlight: Necrozma heals itself using the moonlight. It restores different amounts of health depending on the weather and time of day.
Morning Sun: Necrozma uses the rising sun to heal itself. It restores different amounts of health depending on the weather and time of day.
Charge Beam: Necrozma fires a concentrated beam of an electric charge at the enemy. It raises Necrozma special attack.
Mirror Shot: Necrozma fires a bundle of energy from it's polished body. It can lower the accuracy of the opponent.
Metal Claw: Necrozma slashes the opponent with metallic claws. It can raise Necrozma's attack.
Confusion: Necrozma hits the opponent with weak psychic energy that can confuse the target.
Slash: Necrozma rakes the opponent with it's claws. It has a high critical hit ratio.
Stored Power: Necrozma attacks the opponent with stored energy. The more statistics boost, the stronger the move.
Rock Blast: Necrozma relentlessly shoots rocks at the opponent.
Night Slash: Necrozma slashes the foe with darkness energy the instant the opportunity arises.
Gravity: Necrozma increases the gravity, forcing all levitating or flying enemies to the ground.
Prismatic Laser: Necrozma's most powerful move. It shoots powerful lasers using the power of a prism. This attack is so powerful that it needs time to recharge.
Sunsteel Strike: Solgaleo signature attack. Necrozma charges at it's foe with the force of a meteor, ignoring abilities that would otherwise stop it from affecting the target such as intangibility. Necrozma can only use this move in Dusk Mane form.
Moongeist Beam: Lunala's signature attack. Necrozma fires a beam of sinister lunar energy that ignores abilities that would otherwise stop it from affecting the target such as intangibility. Necrozma can only use this move in Dawn Wings form.
Photon Geyser: Necrozma signature attack, Necrozma creates a pillar of light to attack the opponent.
Pokemon death battle
ActionThis will be another faction entering the death battle story and face off against powerful opponents. Note that I will be working on other death battle stories as well so this will take time to work on.