Latias(Pokemon) Legendary 23

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Latias is a dragon/psychic type pokemon introduced in generation 3. It is known as the Eon Pokemon.

Classification: Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Eon Pokemon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, illusion creation, telekinesis, flight, energy manipulation, shapeshifting, statistics amplification, regeneration(mid-low), can transfer status ailments onto the opponent, forcefield, invisibility, ice manipulation, metal manipulation, healing, enhanced senses, telepathy, resistance to fighting, water, grass, electric, fire and psychic type moves as well as sleep manipulation, statistics reduction, breath attack, mega evolution, possibly status effect inducement, water manipulation and air manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Small Country level+(Should be somewhat comparable to Moltress)|Country level(Much stronger than base form)

Speed: At least FTL, likely higher(Is unfathomably superior to pokemon who scale to poliwrath, and even among legendaries, the Eon Duo are known for their speed)|At least FTL, likely higher(As a mega evolved pokemon, Latias should be faster than before)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Small Country Class+

Durability: Small Country Level+

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard melee range, hundreds of kilometers with attacks

Standard Equipment: Latiasite(Allows Latias to mega evolve)

Intelligence: High

Weakness: Dragon, ice, dark, bug and fairy type moves

Feats: Manged to merged her psychic powers with Latios to create a highly powerful and concentrated ball of energy that completely dispersed a tsunami.

Fast enough to cross the Hoenn region in seconds

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

Mist Ball: Latias signature move. Latias gathers a psychic ball of mist which she then fires. It has a high chance of lowering the opponent special attack.

Psywave: Latias fires a wave of psychic energy at the opponent.

Water Sport: Latias soaks the battlefield with water weakening the power of fire type moves.

Charm: Latias charm the opponents lowering their attack.

Refresh: Latias herself of any status conditions she may have.

Dragon Pulse: Latias fires off a multicolored dragon-shaped beam of energy.

Dragon Breath: Latias fires off a hazy purple flame-like energy that can has a chance of causing paralysis.

Ice Beam: Latias fires off an icy blue beam of energy that can freeze the opponent. It can also be used to create ice in general and freeze water.

Steel Wing: Latias coats her wings in a metal, presumably steel, and attacks the opponent with them possibly boosting her defense.

Surf: Latias sends a large wave of water which strikes everything around her, including her allies. It can also be used to swim in bodies of water.

Reflect Type: Latias copies the opponent type.  

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