Chapter 9

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Deva sighed as he sat between Dream and Ink while Bardo sat with Blue across from him. Gen sat in his lap while somehow asleep. All six were in a carriage that was currently going towards the Sun Empire. Thankfully the carriage was plain with no guards to not give any bandits a clue of who might be in it.

After the reveal that happened about three days ago, both Dream and Ink made Deva come to the Sun Empire with Bardo along for the ride. Deva wondered what the big deal was with his markings but Deva knew that these markings are nothing but bad news if they were causing him trouble like this. Sometimes Deva wished he never had these markings but Deva grew to like them.

Dream, Ink, and Blue were not around when the Moon Empire came for some treats and food that Deva would always serve them. He can't help but be fond of them as he had soft spots for the more insane side of the spectrum. His old life's mother had little sanity after she went through some horrible things.

His old life's mother, Nora, had PTSD, bipolar disorder, depression, and was raped by other men. She grew in a good household and had a brother. But she had the tendency to lie from time to time of which left his grandparents doubtful of her words. Though Deva does have fond memories of her, he does feel unsafe from time to time when her mind goes down a darker path but it doesn't stop him from loving her.

Though finding out that she literally cut her dog's intestines out while the dog did nothing about it did leave him feeling horrified out of his mind.

Yes, it did happen as his old life's grandparents told him it did happen. Deva heard many other things that did happen that made him wonder what was going through her mind at the time it happened. His old female human self was born a couple of months after his mother's brother died by suicide. Actually, from what little his old human family said, he should have died that following week since he was born prematurely with his umbilical cord wrapped firmly around his neck. The fact he survived baffled the doctors.

Deva internally let out a snort as he pets Gen slightly who lazily wrapped his leaves around his phalanges as Deva thought back to the Moon Empire when they last visited yesterday.

*~[Flashback Technique!!!!]~*

"And Killer decided to throw his knife right into Horror's skull while he was still asleep. But Horror didn't wake up and after a few minutes he woke up and then spit out the knife which was covered in red ecto slime. Horror then proceeded to hand back the knife to Killer then went to the kitchen to eat the cupcakes you prepared for us. Killer's face was hilarious!!!!"

"Shut it you sorry excuse for a cow!!!!!"

"At least I'm not dressed as an arrow's best friend!!!!"

Deva chuckled slightly as he walked up to Nightmare as Cross and Killer got into an argument over the wording that they used. Nightmare was talking to Error while both were enjoying their own food. Fell and Dust were snuggling each other while in a cuddle pile that Deva made for them. Both looked to be exhausted and Deva got some blankets, pillows, and plushies that both can use to get some sleep. Deva also saw how Nightmare secretly put a sleepless spell on them so both can get some good rest.

Deva internally sighed as he thought back to the Sun Empire that showed up a few days ago. Dream somehow ranged out a confirmation that Deva will come to the Sun Empire with them and Deva was dreading the conversations. Sure, Deva was powerful but he doesn't use his powers for everything. Unless he really needed to, he won't actively use them as they provide no benefit to him. Sure, it may be 'selfish' but look back on history and tell him that he's not being cautious.

"Hmm? What's on your mind, Deva?"

Deva shook his head as he saw that Nightmare and Error were looking at him with curious eye lights. Thankfully, only the Sun Empire knew of his markings so Deva can still conceal them with some makeup. Illusion magic fell off his face a few seconds after applying so the next alternative is makeup.

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