Meteor Team Mall Time

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Characters: All of Ryūseitai

It was a break day, Free of much idol activity for the team of meteor ranger idols. And while most would take the time to lay low and rest up, That wasn't the case for the team leader Ryūsei Red. Taking his phone and happily messaging his fellow rangers with enthusiasm

Chiaki: Good Morning Rangers!!!

Midori: Morisawa-senpai do you have to message us at 8 am?

Chiaki: Hahaha~☆ a Hero must Answer a Call no matter the Time!

Shinobu: Morisawa dono why do you type out your laugh de gozaru?

Chiaki: Because I put my Entire Spirit into Every One of my Words!

Midori: this is depressing

Tetora: Whats happening-ssu?

Chiaki: I would Like to Invite you All to the Mall!

Shinobu: I thought we had no idol activity today de gozaru

Chiaki: We Don't!☆ I want to Hang Out!

Midori: Can't we use this time to relax?

Shinobu: I agree with Midori kun de gozaru, I'm sure I'm not the only one with a Job tomorow de gozaru.

Tetora: I think we should do this-ssu

Chiaki: Hahaha!☆ Activity like this never hurts!

Midori: is it so hard to type normally

Shinobu: Is my writing weird too de gozaru? I apologize Midori kun

Midori: Nono youre fine Shinobu kun, I guess I can't criticize habits like that

Chiaki: So its Settled!☆ We're Heading Out!

Tetora: Wait what about Shinkai Senpai? He didnt say anything yet-ssu

Kanata: Puka Puka~ the Mall has 「Good」water don't you agree?

Chiaki: Oh No Kanata! The Police might Take you if you Swim in the Fountain!

Kanata: The「Police」are an obstacle

Tetora: Shinkai Senpai, don't go attacking the police

Kanata: I will do as I「Must」

Chiaki: Kanata! if the police catch you again we won't be allowed back!

Midori: Again???? What do you mean again???

Shinobu: I dont feel good about this de gozaru

Tetora: Im sure we can find a way around this, rightssu?

Kanata: there is「Always」a way

Chiaki: Hahaha!☆ I Agree! I will See you all in an Hour!

Chiaki: See you Then Rangers!!

Midori: This somehow got more depressing

Tetora: Im sure it'll go well, I hopessu

Shinobu: Lets get ready then de gozaru

Kanata: Puka Puka~

Each of the ranger idols put their devices down and prepared themselves (some physically, some mentally) for their day out

-TimeSkip To the Mall-

Full of Energy as always, Morisawa Chiaki was the first at the doors, He hadn't seen a sign of any of his rangers arrival which let him know he was first. He stayed by the doors for a while before a thought crossed his mind
("Kanata didnt go to the fountain did he-") he dashed towards the fountain and lo and behold

"Puka~ Puka~ Good Morning Chiaki" the sing song voice of Shinkai Kanata spoke as calm as always, coming straight from the Fountain.

"Kanata!" Chiaki shouted quickly, before pulling his Blue haired Unit member out of the fountain, patting Kanata's clothes in an attempt to dry them.

"Kanata you can't swim in this fountain, remember last time? What if one of our Kouhai saw this!" Chiaki stated, subconsciously getting more worked up as he continued.

"「Good aftetnoon」Shinobu" Kanata once again practically sung with his calm demeanor. Chiaki whirled around in time to see meteor yellow, Shinobu Sengoku tense up at being seen. He could tell the yellow ranger was about to go into a mild panic explaining himself despite not being the one swimming in a public fountain.

Chiaki, unsure of what to do, gave Shinobu a light smile in hopes of calming the short boy down, he guessed it somewhat worked once Shinobu let his gaze fall to the floor as his expression shifted from Panicked to more uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, the final two rangers, Midori and Tetora had both walked in together. Witnessing Chiaki pat down Kanata while Shinobu stood beside them fidgeting with his hands told both all they needed to know about what they missed.

"We just got here and I already want to leave" Midori stated, with his usual lack of enthusiasm. Tetora gave a pained smile and weak chuckle before both walked over hesitantly.

Chiaki, having given up on trying to dry Kanatas clothes with his bare hands, looked at the last of his team to enter. All 5 of them had arrived and it was time to get moving

"Alright Rangers! Where do you think we all head first!"

No one spoke up for a while, Midori didn't look like he cared, Shinobu was still fidgeting, Kanata was in his own world as usual. Tetora seemed to be the only one putting in some effort and eventually managed a reply "I guess we should just walk around-ssu, until we see something cool"

"Great Idea Meteor Black! Any Objections?" The Red Ranger partially shouted. "Let us 「Get Going」" Kanata stated in reply. And the team went on their way.

Yeah I'm definetly not finished with this chapter, I'm definetly gonna add more to it but I atleast wanna put s o m e t h i n g out there already

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