The Hot get Cold, the Cold get Colder

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Snow is a special thing. Some deem it the worst thing they would experience, others love every moment they find it in the air

A boy with hair brighter than the sun, was one of the latter
His red haired senpai, not so much

"Shishouu~♪ Sora wants to have more fun in the snow!" The youngest idol of Switch, Sora Harukawa exclaimed

"Hrmm" the older thought about it "AlrighT, If you want to then go aheAD, Sora" The older of the two, Natsume Sakasaki replied

"Haha~ Yay!" Sora exclaimed before jumping high with a "HuHu!!" And dived right into the snow. Natsume flinched ("SorA!? Don't freeze yourself under all the snow! Don't worrY, I will dive in and sA-")
His thoughts were cut off by laughter, as Sora sprung right back up. Still covered in snow but smiling and happy

"Shishouu! Come join Sora! Sora wants to have fun in the snow with you!" Sora asked, fun moments were always funner with family and friends in his book!
"I'd rather nOT, I am comfortable staying out of the snOW" was the reply he was met with

"Oho? Diving into snow?! I gotta join in!!" Came a shout from not too far away. Followed immediately by laughter as a second body flew right into the pile of snow beside Sora.

Sora and Natsume watched in surprise as this all happened, and waited for the individual to spring right up after the dive. And when they did..

"UUCHUU~☆" Came the shout of Leo Tsukinaga, Now half covered in snow. Emerging from the snow and doing his signature double peace sign and cheerful expression

"Leo!" Sora exclaimed happily "That was a super dive! Sora's impressed!!" Sora complimented the other genuinely "Sora wants to try again now! And beat Leo's score!" Sora turned the diving into a game effortlessly

"You're on!! But I won't lose to anyone in diving! Let's do this!!" Leo shouted back with glee and scrambled to get outta the snow with full intent to dive in once more

"..tCH, sir knight, has he forgotten his own aGE.." Natsume huffed to himself regarding Leo

"Tch, There he goes running ahead into other people without care" came an irked remark similar to Natsumes own. But instead coming from a taller figure that'd just now made it's appearance

Izumi Sena did not approve of Leo's antics

"so you too disprove of this orange child's antiCS" the redhead half-asked the other. His response was a tired head nod

"I so kindly accepted his invitation to walk, and then he runs ahead and jumps into snow, leaving me behind" the silver haired man huffed in complaint

"So barbarIC, thankfully Sora acts nothing like that annoying man. So considerate and peaceful throughout the day, unlike that loud mouthed manchild" Natsume joined in on complaining about Leo

"You say that as they're both shouting loudly playing in snow?" Izumi said with snark, the redhead was complaining too much for his liking, and seemed a bit bias to the younger "Sounds hypocritical"

"One is a teenager enjoying youTH, one is a lazy adult with work to dO, which sounds better to yOU?" Natsume responded with a smirk

"HEY! I heard you!" Leo shouted from the snow "If you think fun is restricted by age then I'll show you by forcing YOU Into the fun too!!" Leo replied with determination

"How would you even do thA-"

A snowball hit the redhead square in the face, effectively cutting him off

"Wahaha, Bullseye!" Leo exclaimed with pride

The area was silent for the next moment, with Izumi and Sora in surprise, Leo waiting for a response and Natsume down
That silence was broken as Natsume rose up from the ground, his expression darker than ever before
"𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖄𝖔𝖚"

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