Knight's Of Chivalry and.. Childishness

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Characters: All of Knights
P.S. sorry if its a bit OOC, I'm really trying to stick them to character
Also female pronouns for Arashii cuz she a queen

Within one of the many practice rooms inside Yumenosaki Academy, a noble Redhead wiped beads of sweat off of himself with a towel.

Tsukasa Was dedicated to this unit and its Marvelous work. After the initial setback with Leader near the start of the year, He was more determined than ever to live up to the glory that was the Knights of Yumenosaki.

The same could not be said about a certain Raven haired boy

Ritsu lay on the floor, doing what he usually does. Sleeping.
Atleast he was, but with a subtle motion, he had clearly begun to waken. With a small groan followed by a yawn. The Second year's eyes finally opened up and he registered his surroundings

Tsukasa perked up at the noise coming from the sleeping stature of his upperclassmen, and spoke up on it "ah, Good morning Ritsu Senpai" the redhead stated

Ritsu responded with a yawn, before registering what was said to him "ahhh~ Morning Suuchan" the vampire lazily replied.

Tsukasa appeared to be in thought for a while before making a request "Ritsu Senpai, May I ask you pay Attention To me. I would like to know if I have perfected the Choreography" the redhead emphasized the last word

Ritsu took a second before nodding and giving Tsukasa the thumbs up. The First year smiled and gave a quick "Thank You senpai" before getting into position.

Tsukasas movements as he performed the chorus choreography to the Knights' newest song 'Grateful Allegiance' were smooth and composed. Fitting for the theme of Knights themselves

The Redhead finished the set of moves for the specific part of the song he was practicing flawlessly. And Ritsu had to give the underclassmen props for his skill.

However, instead of voicing said thoughts, The raven haired boy had other plans. Not having messed with his precious Maa-kun in a while, he figured he might as well take the chance to mess with Suu-chan.

"You didnt hear? Sechan made a change to it" the raven haired boy got up to demonstrate "We're swapping these two moves with each other, He said it flowed better that way" Ritsu smiled as he performed the moves he mentioned.

The First and Third moves of the chorus (or pre chorus? Tbh I can't tell. The part before the "Ai wo Komete") were swapped. Tsukasa nodded in understanding "I was not told of this Change, thank you Ritsu Senpai" Tsukasa said with a slight bow

Ritsu gave a mischievous smile, although the redhead did not notice and continued speaking "I can not imagine the consequences if Sena Senpai had seen me mess this up"

Before Ritsu could reply, Tsukasa had taken notice of the time. It was time to go to club activities "Ah, the practice session has ended. I must go change back into uniform! Goodbye Ritsu senpai!" Tsukasa stated as he made his way towards a change room

Ritsu muffled his laughter once the Redhead was gone. And quietly remarked "Ohhh Hes screwed"

~~~Time Skip Brought to you by a MARVELOUS Transition~~~

The Knights had gathered up for unit practice Despite the Individualistic nature of the unit. The live they were preparing for was approaching and they decided a team practice was necessary

Unfortunately, Leo had not been able to make it, as a job opening showcasing aliens had come up and the orange haired male did not hesitate to take it.

Back to the unit, They reached the chorus. And Instantly Tsukasa performs the wrong dance move. And with Tsukasa being in the center it was incredibly obvious

Izumi's glare in that moment was not the warmest to say the least. The Unit paused as Tsukasa stood there in confusion. The redhead meant to turn around and face Ritsu but was interrupted by Izumi's angry scowl

"Kasa-kun. What was that." He asked in a very scolding manner. The redhead however refused to be phased by it and replied in as much of a level headed tone as he could "That was the next move was it not?"

Izumi was not very content with that answer. And he did not hesitate to make that known to the entire unit "Kasa kun, you knew the choreo last time we spoke. And now you just HAD To mess it up and-" Izumi continued

Arashii visibly sweatdropped at the explosion of anger coming from the upperclassmen, and did her best to calm it down "Izumi-chan, quit targeting the poor boy. He didnt know" she attempted to justify the situation

Izumi huffed "He SHOULD'VE Known. It was so clear what we had to do" Tsukasa held his head down in shame, upset with himself immensely. All Arashii could do was give him an apologetic look

Ritsu however failed to hide in his snicker, although muffled it enough to only one person heard. Which just so happened to be Arashii. Who gave the raven haired boy a questioning glare

"Ritsu, whats so funny?" She asked, she had a suspicion Ritsu was behind this. Ritsu barely heard over the stern tome of the gray haired third year but did look up at the blonde and smiled "Noothingg~" he replied in his sing song voice

Arashii continued to give Ritsu the Knowing look, she wasn't planning on letting down until she knew for sure if Ritsu was behind this. The scene would have been much more serious if not for the silver haired third year being, at this point, Comically upset.

Eventually Ritsu fessed up "Okaayyyy i tricked himm" he admitted without a hint of regret in his voice, still smiling. Arashii nodded and looked over to the other 2

Izumi had now switched to glaring daggers at Ritsu "Haa? You think switching up the Choreography i perfected out of nowhere is funny?" Izumi stated

"That was King, not you" Ritsu replied nonchalantly, still smiling his sleepy smile "King created it, I Perfected it" Izumi shot back, crossing his arms with a huff

Tsukasa was taken aback by Ritsus reveal, and spoke up "Ritsu Senpai, how could you" he spoke, his voice not as stern as he hoped. Perhaps Izumis scolding had gotten to him worse then he thought

Arashii flicked the raven haired boys head "Ritsu, I'm disappointed in you, you hurt a poor child" Arashii joked, ready to go full on Nee-chan mode

"Narukami Senpai, I am not a chi-" Tsukasa replied but was cut off as Arashii spoke over him "he's all worked up now, Ritsu you are evil" Arashii couldn't help but giggle while saying that.

Ritsu's smile widened at that, Arashii joking around as well helped the atmosphere incredibly. Despite only half of the room getting it.

Izumi snapped his fingers in an attempt to regain everyone's attention, Which worked. "Alright enough. Let's get back to the choreo. Kasa-kun, get it right"

He was met with many words of agreement from the room. And the Knights of Yumenosaki Academy continued on.

As for their leader? Well-

"Sir you're taking this a bit too serio-" a worker was cut off
"I'VE ALWAYS KNOWN ALIENS WERE REAL. AND NOW I CAN PROVE IT! WAIT I NEED MY EMERGENCY SPACESHIP" Leo was relentlessly shouting on and on. To the dismay of all that were around.
What a day for them

A.N: Knights is fun to write ngl. Although at the moment I've only legitimately read up on Tsukasa and Arashii. I'll get around to the rest though! I may re-write some parts of i realize they're inaccurate but for now this is it!
See you next time!

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