A Ninja So Very Fear-full?

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Characters: Shinobu (Solo focus), Midori, Chiaki (he appears much later tho)

(I promise I'll do a non Ryūseitai chapter next)

Shinobu was content with the flexibility being the only member of the Ninja Association provided him. He could do any different kind of Ninja activity without question and he couldn't be happier

Not really wanting to be on the roof today, Shinobu was practicing in a random spot of the school campus. One of the more grassy areas with a couple of trees. His aim for today was simple agility, such as Moving between trees, and Scattering between them.

He landed on the ground after a rather successful jump from one tree to the next. The Ninja stood in place letting the pride settle in his small chest. "Closer to becoming the best Ninja!" He happily muttered to himself

However, His moment of glory was interrupted. As a meow made its way to the ears of Shinobu. The Ninja Tensed up and his eyes darted over to the origin of the cursed noise.

Appearing from seemingly nowhere, a White furred cat stood there perfectly still. Doing no more then just glaring at the boy who barely held in his shiver.

It was no secret to anyone that the Purple haired student was not very good with cats. "Not very good" is nowhere near as accurate as "Terrified as humanly possible" though.

In an act of courage and bravery, the Ninja spoke up "P-Please leave me alone d-de gozaru". Despite his protest and clear struggle to make said protest, the feline stayed still and continued to glare.

Shinobu tried to regain focus, so what if that fiend was glaring into his soul, a Ninja can't falter to one simple being! A true ninja will always prevail through!

And so he continued, but not without a physical stutter here and there. He couldn't shake the presence off as much as he really wanted to. After a very short period of time, he hesitantly looked over to where the feline had stood.

Only to find it had made its way closer to him, and yet to remove its gaze from the soul of Shinobu. He didnt know when it had moved but now knowing it had made his fear grow exponentially.

Regardless, Shinobu still did his best to continue practicing the Agility of the Ninja. But his fear was more evident than before, as he feared before every jump that if he hit the floor and stumbled, the feline would not show any mercy on his poor soul.

After a very poor display, Shinobu couldn't help but hesitantly glance over to the demon like being glaring at him. Now seeing it was a mere few feet away from his current Position in the tree.

He had to get down, but he just couldn't until the cat moved away. But how could he get the cat to move? He was powerless in this situation..

Nonetheless, he took the same approach as before, and very hesitantly spoke up "P-P-Please G-Go A-Away" He was quick to pick up how much fear was displayed through his singular line of speech.

The Feline seemed to have understood him and Backed away ever so slightly. He was safe! He could get down and return home happily!

Or so he thought, as the moment he stood balanced on the ground. The Fiend lashed out and attacked him mercilessly

The noise Shinobu let out was, not exactly the most manly, if manly at all. It resembled a small female child's, which matched how weak he felt as he fell victim to the scratches of such an evil being

Shinobu fought back and eventually managed to get the cat off of him, before fleeing for his life. He needed to get away and his tiny legs thankfully got the memo, quickly taking him out of sight from the monstrosity.

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