Workaholic With an odd selection

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Characters: Mao, Hokuto, Midori, Shinobu
(Takes place during !! Era)

Student council president Mao Isara had a busy schedule to put it lightly. He often found himself doing any assortment of tasks and if he wasn't doing those he would be wishing he was.

Today, he was doing a normal task, one that brought incredible confusion to him and anyone who saw him.
He was taking a walk

Of course there was more to it but to any Bystanders it did look like he was taking a walk. And just his luck, there was a bystander right there

Hokuto walked up to Mao with a welcoming wave "Hello, Isara. Do you not have any Student council work?" Hokuto asked instantly.

Previously, Mao would feel a sting when his position as student council president was brought up so quickly. But it subsided quickly as he got accustomed to it.

"I'm, actually at work at the moment" Mao answered, knowing the response it would receive. Lo and behold, Hokuto gave a questioning glance and opened his mouth to reply

"But, you were just Casually walking along the grass" Hokuto replied, unsure of how that was classified as work. Resulting in the redhead sighing , he did not want to explain it.

Mao finally pushed aside the inevitable embarrassment and spoke "I'm uh, assessing the grass. Through a request of course" he added, hoping the reasoning would be enough.

However, as proven by the rising confusion on Hokuto's face. It didnt work. "That- was a joke, right?" Hokuto asked "Assessing grass?" He continued on, making it very clear he did not believe what he had just heard

Mao shook his head in reply "Nope, I actually have to do this kind of thing for the student council" he finished explaining.

"That is uh-" Hokuto started, and couldn't bring it in himself to continue. Not exactly knowing what to say about this kind of thing. He wasn't SUPPOSED To know what to say in response to a Grass Assessor, was he??

"Welp, The grass won't assess itself. See you later" Mao tried his best to give a Warm laugh or anything to ease the awkwardness. It ended up becoming an awkward chuckle and clearly uncomfortable smile as he walked away.

Hokuto was left behind

He barely got 6 feet away before he drooped into a similar sigh from before.
Just what did he sign up for..

★★TimeSkip Brought to you by a Star that is Very Rebellious★★

The Sixth basketball hit the wall and bounced off making a Soft "Bam" On impact. Mao listened attentively, before writing something down on a note. He grabbed the next ball and continued

Meanwhile, another basketball club member had walked by the gym doors and heard a loud bam, Causing him to flinch. After calming down he decided whether to check who was there or not. Eventually deciding to do so.

Mao was about the throw the seventh Basketball forward, and didn't notice the door opening. He threw the ball with all his might at the wall and recorded the noise it made once more.

"Uhm.. Isara Senpai?" Mao whirled over to look at the one who called his name, Looking straight at Midori who looked a mix of uncomfortable and confused.

"Did- we have practice today? It wasn't on our schedule" Midori continued. Mao held up a hand in a reassuring gesture and replied "No No we didn't, don't worry"

Midori sighed in relief and turned to leave. But the mess of 7 basketballs randomly placed around the court caught his eye, with Mao holding the eigth. This added to his prior confusion.

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