Waning Superstar

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It isn't everyday you get peace and quiet in ES. So whatever quiet you got, you had to treasure it for as long as you could before it gets inevitably smashed into pieces

That is exactly what these two are doing

"Feels goood, Doesn't it Takamine?" Mao said with a comfortable exhale "Just a nice calm Saturday, peace and quiet in your dorm with Manga in our hands. This is the life, eh?"

"Isara senpai"


"Shut up, you're ruining the peace"

"Oh, My bad, hahah.." Mao replied awkwardly "Just tryna lighten the air" the redhead explained himself before focusing back on his Manga

"You know everytime someone mentions the peace, it gets ruined instantly.." Midori moped, adding a sigh "and I was enjoying it too. Now we're doomed.."

"Hey- Don't go saying that stuff! That doesn't happen Every time you know" Mao retorted, real life wasn't Manga, they would keep their peace!

That was his last thought before a big crash was heard by the door, startling the two

Well, One of them atleast

"I told you so..."

"Nows not the time for that, we gotta check what that was" Mao told the other, before getting up and making his way to the door, Midori choosing to stay seated

When the redhead opened the door he was greeted to a Motionless body in front of his door

Mitsuru Tenma, was unconscious

"Wh- WHA-" Mao shouted out. Instantly getting down on one knee to check the boys condition. It was obvious that the thud was him, but it sounded much more aggressive than a simple trip. And even then a trip wouldn't render someone unconscious!

So naturally, with Manga on his mind. Mao shouts the first conclusion his mind reaches when met with a crash and an unconscious body


That got the brunette up, Walking over to check the dead body Mao was refering to. And was similarily met with the Rab*its superstar laying on the floor not moving,

"...Oh, Tenma." Was Midoris only instant reaction

"What kind of reaction is THAT!?"

Midori shook his head "Nono, that oh was more of a normal oh"

"That- What are you even talking about?? Nevermind, Help me get him inside! I'll grab arms you grab legs!"

The two did just that, picking up the short boy and putting him on a couch within his and Midoris shared dorm. With Mitsuru not moving an inch naturally once there

"What do we do here!?" Mao panicked, He didn't have any experience with POSSIBLY DEAD BODIES

"...let me try something" Midori muttered, loud enough for Mao to hear. The Taller idol walked over to a countertop and grabbed something before walking back. He placed the item on Mitsurus chest and waited

In no time at all, the short boy had a hand reaching to the bread. It was slow, but it was something

"Hes alive" Midori stated, simply and bluntly

"Woah, How'd you know that'd work Takamine??" Mao asked in surprise. It was one thing for Midori to even think of something to help, but for him to go do it and it working flawlessly?? Was this the same Takamine from basketball??

"He loves bread a bit too much, it kept him alive so I thought it'd do the same here" Midori answered honestly. His hypothesis being correct did pretty well for his pride

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