Rabit with a Pillow Problem

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Tomoya Mashiro was content with the steady consistency his life had been providing him. Ra*bits was in a good place, solo work had been going swimmingly, and his acting was getting more compliments than ever!

He relished in the peace he was given, Considering all the antics he'd been dragged into during his previous year (Granted, this year wasn't entirely uneventful either. But the blonde would rather leave thise incidents behind him.. and not try a trick with handcuffs ever again) 

("I escaped Hibiki senpais antics, only to wind up in another embarrassing antic") Tomoya thought to himself lightheartedly, having gotten over it "But, Hibiki senpai DID Steal the key, so Its his fault still" the blonde rationalized with- himself.. as if he doubted the blue haired man was behind it.

The current 2nd year student was sitting in his classroom. He'd figured that the space might help him concentrate on the work he was meant to be doing ("Yet I still got distracted, so much for that..")

("Well, I'm close to finishing anyways, I can reminisce to myself after I get this done") Tomoya stated to himself. And continued to work.

"I think, I'm done" Tomoya stated to himself softly. Making sure the papers were tidy and paperclipped before putting them in his bag. He stood up from his seat, pushed it in and made his way to the door

Only to find a bright yellow pillow right behind the door

"..huh?" It took a moment, but the noise of confusion left Tomoyas lips once he registered that there was just, a random pillow behind the door to the room he'd just walked into

The blonde walked over to the pillow and crouched down to pick it up
He inspected the pillow a bit, it definitely stood out with its bright yellow compared to the more mundane brown of the classroom floor

"How'd I not see this..?" Tomoya muttered to himself. The door WAS Blocking it from his sight when he entered, but he'd nearly closed the door afterwards! So it WAS In his line of sight

The blonde didn't dwell on it for too long. As he'd moved on to another question "I wonder who left it here" he muttered quietly.

It'd have to be someone in his class, And he didn't think either of the Twins were the type to bring pillows like this to school. So that left his fellow second year Ra*bits and Hiiro..

Hiiro didn't seem like the type for these pillows either, so really it just left the Ra*bits

Well, no point in over thinking it. They'll just pick it up again tomorow morning! "I'll just leave it be" Tomoya told himself. So he put the pillow back down and turned to exit the room
But he didn't

He couldn't bring himself to just leave the pillow there.. it felt like it was almost calling to him..

"What the hell?" Tomoya let that out a bit louder than he'd prefer. But seriously? A random pillow 'Calling out to him'? This wasn't a fantasy world where pillows could project like that, so where did that feeling come from?

Regardless of where the feeling came from though, it was a strong feeling. And Tomoya was Not happy about it

Begrudgingly, The blonde gave in and picked up the pillow once again. He paused to give the pillow another look, even while it was in his hands he could feel some sort of internal force pushing him to hold it closer

("The longer I stay here the more this thing will drive me mad") Tomoya thought to himself. So he pushed all thoughts about the pillow to the back of his mind and left the school.

☆The Following Day☆

Tomoya entered the 2-B Classroom, only to find it- Empty..? Was he the first to arrive? That was typically Hiiros role, the redhead would somehow always be there before Tomoya. Which confused the blonde as Hiiro didn't really look like the type to care that much about perfect timing and such

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