PART 2 Amechu Magical Love

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Amechu part two 

For -i_am_not_okay


     And as he stood there, the question, "Why do we need to fight?" slipped through his lips in a whisper.

    And General Wang Yao appeared next to him- how, Alfred didn't ever know- and said, "Because we need to survive."


     Alfred turned to him. "What do you mean?" he asked.

     That person- who later introduced himself as General Wang Yao- looked him up and down. When Alfred looked at him more, he noticed the man was shorter than Alfred, but had impeccable posture so he stood up to his full height. The color of his hair was as dark as the night, and was tied back perfectly into a ponytail that flowed over his shoulder. His skin was as clear as a summer sky, yet a wrinkle of concern on his face disturbed the image. At first glance, he looked human, but the longer Alfred looked, the more he swore something was off. It was as if the man had an aura of some beautiful, ethereal something (perhaps a power?), but it also scared a part of Alfred. Just thinking about it too hard brought up some of the more terrifying memories from his trip in the enchanted forest.

     If Alfred looked close enough, the man's eyes looked close to the color of the trees there too.

     "I take it that you're not from around here?" questioned the man.

     "No, I just moved here a few months ago," Alfred explained. "Has something bad happened here?"

     The stranger shook his head in disappointment and sighed. "Do they really teach city kids nothing these days? I would've thought another attack on our borders would be important enough to tell the citizens about," he said to himself.

     "Oh, I'm not from any of the magical cities-" Alfred started before he cut himself off. "Wait, did you say an attack on our borders? Like the borders this town is very close too?" he asked, panicked.

     "Yes, the last attack happened half a year ago," he explained. "I suppose you got in after that, but with how human you look, I'm surprised you were let in to this town."

     Alfred had gotten more than his fair share of strange gazes for appearing so human. (If only that was enough to keep him home with all his friends.) But, gazes were as far as they went. No one said much to him about it unless he had started the conversation.

     Which, in this case, he supposed he did.

     "Oh, I came here through the magical forest," he explained. "I was originally from the human cities but had to leave since I kinda-sorta-accidentally developed powers. What about you? You seem like you lived here for a while," replied Alfred.

     "Huh, that's strange," the man mused. "I have lived here for the past few years on military duty."

     "We have a military?" asked Alfred. (Did the military use guns like at home or did they use magic wands? How does that even work?)

     "Yes, we do," sighed the man. "I am General Wang Yao, leader of the Western Front for said military. We have a military because this country has been attacked for years upon years, long before anyone here or their great-grandfathers were born. It is how we protect ourselves, like any other land."

     A general? Wasn't that a super high rank or something? Oh no, was Alfred going to be in trouble for being so informal with him? "Oh, uh, thank you for your service?" Alfred said with an awkward salute. "Sorry for asking such stupid questions," he apologized.

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