Ruscan (Russia x Canada) The Thing About Coming Out

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Russia x Canada (again)

For @ ??? I forgot to write it down and I can't find their name oops


Main human names and notes:

Canada: Matthew Williams (he/him, bisexual. Older twin of Alfred)

Russia: Ivan Braginski (he/him, homoromantic asexual. Middle sibling of three.)

Italy Romano (South Italy) goes by Lorenzo (he/him) here instead of Lovino, since it is a more Italian name.

This fic, although requested to be a continuation of the previous ruscan fic, is a high school au, since I could not figure out how to continue it without making characters out of character or involving knives.

Again, if it was not clear in the previous ruscan fic, I view Alfred and Matthew to be siblings, as well as Russia and his sisters to be siblings. If you do not like them written as such and, for whatever reason, see them only as neighbors or whatever, this probably isn't the fic for you.

Some minor warnings and disclaimers:

The following fic is about Matthew realizing his sexuality and coming out. I, the author, am an lgbtq+ person who has gone through a similar experience, and will base many aspects of this story on my experiences. However, I acknowledge my experience is not the same experience every other lgbtq+ person experiences, including Matthew, and I will change some parts accordingly. I know many people do not have as safe an environment as Matthew does, so please be more careful asking around about lgbtq+ issues and about others' identities, especially in places where others could overhear (since I know people who have been accidentally outed this way). Lgbtq+ people do not owe anyone a coming out or an explanation of who they are. Do not ever out someone else, unless you get their permission to do so specifically to whoever you need to tell. Do not ever pressure a lgbtq+ person into coming out, and please avoid being pressured yourself. It is recommended that one does not come out to family until they are an adult and/or have moved out- even the kindest of family can be intolerant.

Please stay safe and careful.

The following may contain mild and brief instances of biphobia and internalized biphobia.


"What do you want to tell me dude?" Alfred asked as he tilted his head in confusion. "You look really nervous."

"I- uh- I wanted to tell you that I'm..."

I can do it, Matthew told himself. It's just like I practiced.

"I wanted to tell you I'm bisexual," he said, a little quieter than he had hoped.

"Oh cool bro," Alfred said.

Huh? Was it really not that big of a deal? "You're not...mad or anything?"

Alfred shook his head. "Nah dude, you can love whoever you want. I don't care if you date a girl or a boy- well, as long as it's not Ivan, haha! Anyone else is fine, I just hate that guy," he added on at the end.

Matthew chuckled weakly. "Yeah, sure, thanks, I'll, uh, not do that..."

...Which wouldn't be a problem, if he and Ivan hadn't been dating for three months already.


When Alfred had first asked Matthew if he liked boys, that would have probably been a better time to tell him than several months later. He had approached him first and was asking honestly, not like a "what are you, gay?" kind of joking way. The hallway between the bathroom and their bedroom probably wasn't the ideal place to ask (if there even was an ideal place to ask someone about their sexuality), and the strange, sudden yet casual question threw him off guard. But saying something back then probably would have been better than lying and clearing up the truth later.

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