AusEng (Austria x England) Café Dates after School

25 3 1

Request ten: AusEng




Human au, highschool au, coffee shop au, established relationship au.


Austria: Roderich Edelstein

England: Arthur Kirkland

Both use he/him and are bisexual kings. They're in the same class/year/grade/whatever it's called, and so is most of the cast mentioned. This is all somewhat based on my own experiences in high school and I recognize my experiences are not universal. I don't know if this is in character but oh well.

I forgot what the warnings are so oops good luck everyone.


Arthur sat in the window seat of the coffee shop, taking sips of his tea as he read the script before him. After the terrifying audition process- no matter how many times he did it, it was just as scary as the first time- Arthur received the news that he had, in fact, made it into the school play. Although he's only had a few rehearsals so far and today was one of his days off, he wanted to be off book as soon as possible. The play was actually interesting and Arthur was lucky to have a role he enjoyed; it wasn't every day he got to be a fearsome pirate captain, and in all honesty, he's been itching to play a major antagonist for a long time. Being evil was awfully fun and was a good way to channel all his hatred and anger towards his classmates into something useful. (Captain Hook wasn't the most charming of villains, but hey, it's always a little bit up to the actor's interpretation, and Arthur's goal was to be cool and evil and let himself be mad without his brothers or mother judging him.) As he flipped through the pages, whispering his lines under his breath as he read, he heard the shop's door open and close.

Glancing up, Arthur saw Roderich, his beloved boyfriend, walk in. He was a little late, per usual, but Arthur still waved him over before he went up to the register.

"Hey, here, put your stuff down next to me," Arthur said, pointing to the empty spot on the ground next to his backpack.

"Ah, thanks." Roderich put his bag down. "Sorry about being late again-"

"-No worries love-"

"-but I'll be back in a minute, I just need to order something warm right away."

And with that, he quickly went to the register to get a drink.

The colder weather wasn't too bad in Arthur's opinion, but for people more sensitive to the cold like his lover, it wasn't the best either. A single frosty breeze could chill him to the bone, no matter how warm of a jacket he wore, and despite Arthur giving him his gloves and holding him close to keep him warm, Roderich always did much better with some warm coffee. (It was a shame Roderich would never try Arthur's tea, insisting he had never had good tea before so it's not like his boyfriend could change his mind, but to each his own.) Even now, as he was inside, Roderich still wore his coat inside, and likely had no plans of removing it.

Roderich returned a few minutes later, with a coffee in hand. It was surprising this coffee shop wasn't busier, their menu was amazing and not too expensive either, but Arthur's not complaining about the quick service. "Alright, now that I have my coffee," Roderich said, taking a sip before continuing, "I'd like to hear about your day since it definitely went better than mine."

"Oh? Did you not have a good day, my dear?" he asked.

"It wasn't the worst, but definitely not good," his lover frowned. "But no matter, I want to hear about your day first."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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