Amechu (America x China) Magical love PART 1

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Request four: America x China

Request for -i_am_not_okay


Human names:

America: Alfred F. Jones

China: Wang Yao (surname written first, I believe)


     A world of magic was supposed to be beautiful. It was supposed to be filled with wonder, and peace, and happiness, and love, and love, and love. Nature would roam freely, all strangers would be treated with kindness (you never know who they could be), the skies would be clear, and everything would be okay. Magic fixes everything, right? The fairytales, the storybooks, the promises from his childhood friend who loved blue flowers- none of them would lie to Alfred.

     Right? Right?

     Wrong. It was all wrong.

     Alfred didn't know exactly what went wrong. He was raised in a no-magic zone- or at least it was supposed to be no-magic, but somehow the wizard across the big street slipped by those rules. Exile, or something like that, he muttered when Alfred asked why he's with the humans. A bit young to be exiled, but he'd never say why.

     Thinking back on it, Alfred supposed it made sense. It, being how he knew Artie was a wizard, how he could see magic, why the wizard always looked at him strangely.

     It should have all been obvious. Emphasis on should. Because, surprise, surprise! It wasn't to Alfred. He enjoyed working out, so it didn't alarm him that he could pick up heavy things with ease. He probably should have noticed it when he lifted his car a bit too high to get his keys that fell under it, but when it happened, he just thought it was like that story where a mother lifted up a car to get her baby under it just from adrenaline. Yeah, life or death adrenaline from needing his keys!

     God, he was an idiot. Who other than Alfred wouldn't realize they had magically developed super strength?

     Magic was taboo in no-magic zones. If someone was discovered to be magical, they had a week to get out of town before they were forced out. Everyone watched each other carefully to make sure it was safe for non-magicals like themselves. It turns out, outside of Arthur's spellbook, the smuggled storybooks and fairytales, and the boy with the blue flowers, magic was dangerous. That's why the city was surrounded by a metal wall with guards checking visitors. Arthur warned everything was worse in the main countryland, where everything was metal, where many uniforms were red to protect against fairies, where all bullets were part silver, where mirrors upon mirrors upon mirrors lined halls- every last detail and theory about what hurt magical beings was put into place.

     Surprisingly, Ludwig was the one who noticed it. It was probably when Alfred asked him to be workout buddies, for spotting each other when lifting and whatnot. Apparently, it wasn't normal to lift hundreds of pounds as if they were nothing. And no, Ludwig was not weak. Unfortunately, he was a man who followed rules. He was kind enough to spare Alfred many warnings to try to cover it up, but Alfred knew if it was only a matter of time before he was reported. But, believing the best in everyone, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind- Ludwig was his friend! There's no way he'd report his friend, right?

     When Alfred caught Arthur right as he was packing up to leave town, he knew there was no way to deny reality any longer.

     It happened to the boy with the blue flowers. It was happening to Arthur right then. Who knows when (when, not if- "if" allowed too much hope) it'll happen to Alfred?

     So he left town. Packed it all up, branded it as a journey in nature, promised to return home soon with a smile.

     That was the last Alfred saw of his hometown.

     He was only 19.

     Fast forward five years, and he was living beyond the magic forest. It was one hell of a forest to get through, but guided with the stories of his childhood, he made it through alive and safe. Dodging mushroom circles wasn't as peaceful and adventurous as it was branded, and the forest was cold and cruel and some nights the mist felt more like poison than a gentle blanket. It took a week to get through and Alfred decided he would not like to spend another week there ever again.

     Seeing the magical world on the other side wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. It was just like normal life- it had conflict, but instead of magic fixing it, it was even more kindling in the fire.

     The experience was crushing. It was years ago now, but it still hurt.

    The magical world was... It was is probably the best way to describe it. The world felt past its prime, like how empires fall and have to start all over again. Alfred felt out of place, not knowing what happened there or why, not feeling magical enough (super strength doesn't fit alongside fairies and werewolves), and feeling human. Which, he was. Somewhat. Not considered human by humans, but still too human for the magical world.

     Yet the magical world was too dark and too cold and too bright and completely burning all at once. It shouldn't have even had time to spare a thought about some guy who looked too human.

     But he did.

     Oh, him. Him, him, him.



     Where should Alfred even begin? That man inspired him to change for the better. Offering direction when it was no longer a road that diverged into two, it was walking into a crossroad where everything was a path and there was no way back. He made Alfred's strength feel like a blessing, a gift, when all it ever was before was an annoyance and a secret to be hidden.

     This man was General Wang Yao.

     (Turns out, the magical world needed an army! And why would they ever need an army? Surprise, surprise, it turns out the humans were the bad guys all along. Funny, isn't it?)

     They first met a few months after Alfred first arrived here. "Here" was a place that was called a border city. Border cities tended to have some humans that snuck in, but also had a decently military population. There were plenty of posters about where and how to join, how to support the magic army from home. Alfred often stared at them, wondering why magicals needed to fight. Wasn't everyone at peace? Magic was beautiful, how could it kill? And as he stood there, the question, "Why do we need to fight?" slipped through his lips in a whisper.

     And General Wang Yao appeared next to him- how, Alfred didn't ever know- and said, "Because we need to survive."


Author's note:


So. I did an oops. (Clearly.) I only planned to write for 30 minutes on this, make some nice and short scenes about these two and BAM I made a world by accident. Problem is, I'm emotionally attached and want to finish it, but I'm kinda-super-busy this weekend. So... part two next week? I'll also draw something for the art this week later, but I'm leaving it blank until I can do so.

Next week's fic is part 2 of this, and then after that is rusind!

Thank you for reading! If you have any requests, please read the first chapter for rules and submit your request there. 

Edit: fixed some spelling mistakes.

Edit 5/8/2021: I thought I published this??? I think I accidentally unpublished it while editing oops. Part two will be up shortly.

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