Belapan (Belarus x Japan) Ghosts in the Rain

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Request six: Belarus x Japan

For emma_likes_to_write


Human names (and notes):

Honda Kiku: Japan

Natalya Honda: Belarus (married to Japan, hence the last name being the same)

Note: although they are both adults in canon, I have aged them up somewhat since in this au since they have been married for some time and they are humans. Additionally, here Natalya goes by she/they pronouns (they're still female though) so I will refer to her with both pronouns.

!! Warnings !!

Mentions of ghosts, exorcisms, beheadings, floods, and past death. There is also some harsh language like curses in this fic.


Natalya frowned as they looked out the window. "Your little ghosts did not scare the rain away," she said to her husband.

Kiku walked up behind her, taking a look out the window as well. "The teru teru bōzu?" he asked, in reference to the little cloth figures they hung up together yesterday. "Ah, they're not guaranteed to work, not without using weather magic anyways," he explained. "They're more like good-luck charms than anything, but I thought they were worth a shot."

The married couple had been planning to go on a picnic today, which is why Kiku had suggested making the "fair weather dolls". Normally, they like to think of themselves as people who weren't bound to superstition, but such an ideal was difficult to achieve when they could both see ghosts. And Kiku used to be an exorcist. And Natalya could tell fortunes. And most of their friends had magical abilities as well. (Hell, the two of them used to have the biggest crush on this cute exorcist they knew!)

That tended to make things difficult for them. It wasn't that they needed to be normal, no, they just wanted some parts of their lives away from magic. Natalya quit fortune telling for a living for a reason, and that reason wasn't just because they were often called a sham or she was underpaid. And for the other spouse, Kiku had even tried politely ignoring ghosts for years after a certain incident of exorcising the wrong ghost...

Perhaps that was why their house was fairly haunted.

Well. As haunted as it could be with two people experienced in handling ghosts living there.

Natalya had tired of waiting for her husband to bring it up, but she also knew he didn't like confrontation. But if he couldn't bring it up, they would. The plan was to bring it up at the picnic, away from their house and their ghosts, as ghosts tended to be eavesdroppers, but that had obviously failed. Perhaps it was because of the teru teru bōzu- ghosts liked to mess with magic (another reason why the couple tried to stray away from totally relying on magic nowadays, as ghosts often preferred staying close to the few who could see them).

"Tell me more about the teru teru bōzu," Natalya requested. If they were already on the topic of ghosts (which she hoped the teru teru bōzu were, due to their shape), it would be easier to bring up their problem without sending any eavesdropping ghosts into a panic.

(They're not going to lie, it was scary to know ghosts had gotten into their house, especially since she and her husband could see them. How a strange figure phased through the wall, past their protective barriers and traps, how a face seemed to always watch from that one corner, how she saw it smile as it started to pick up and toss around her tarot cards [and in the middle of a reading too- what an asshole]. How and why were such beings present in their house, despite everything to deter them?)

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