Pruind (Prussia x India) A Little Break from Dancing

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Request eight: Prussia x India

For hwsiceland



This is nationverse, so there's no point in sharing human names. Both use he/him pronouns and are mlm. This is somewhat based on their dance together in the halloween special around 2011-ish? If I remember correctly. Uhhhh all I can think of for now? Hopefully I edit this later lol. Oh! And I have never tried this style of dancing myself so apologies for anything that's wrong (please comment if you catch any mistakes, I promise to fix them). Again, I wish I had a drawing for this one, but I'm already working on two Halloween drawings for another ship.

Edit: October 31, 2021. Just noticed a formatting error, it sucks that strikethroughs don't copy over onto wattpad. I'll just make do with this for now.


Prussia lay on the floor, gasping for breath. "That's it... I can't go on any longer..." he wheezed in between pants. His hair was sticking to his face from sweat, his cheeks were red with heat, and his eyes were scrunched shut to avoid the glare of the lights above him.

India stood over him and smiled. "It's just the first practice in our outfits, it's not that hard," he said. "We already know most of the dance and have practiced it before, so I do not understand how you are so tired."

They- Prussia and India- had initially connected over dance together for that one Halloween party a while back. Prussia wanted to do something cool and amazing for that Halloween, India saw his post about it and told him he needed another dancer, and thus began the start of their friendship. The two had bonded as they learned the choreography, danced to the music, and chatted on their breaks. India was cool, calm, and had a princely aura about him that intrigued Prussia and India enjoyed watching Prussia suffer and stumble as he learned the dance- er, he loved Prussia's seemingly endless energy and devotion to learning his dance. Each man appreciated the other's devotion and presence, making them a good team. From there, a relationship born out of curiosity and dance began, stepping and twisting and twirling their way to the present.

Prussia flopped onto his stomach and immediately regretted doing so when he felt the necklace push against his skin. "Yeah, but these are way different than the suits from Halloween! These clothes are heavy, it's like dancing in armor- even all these bracelet things manage to make all the clangy noises that armor does," he explained as he tried to prop himself up on his elbows so his chest wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

"It's not that bad," India insisted. "You'll get used to it quickly, I'm sure. And I have plenty more bracelets from where these came from-" he shook his hand, making the bangles hit against each other for emphasis- "so you can hear all the armor noises your heart desires."

India held back a laugh as Prussia groaned.

"Prussia, I know you can rehearse the dance again, we've only gone over it ten times without a break," India said with a kind smile.

Prussia, finding leaning on his elbows now uncomfortable, flopped back onto his back. "Schatz, my dearest partner, I love to dance with you but I think any more without a break would kill me."

"You already look like those vampires I've heard about in Europe and Hollywood, I don't think it would make much of a difference," India joked.

"You wound me," Prussia said dramatically, throwing his hand over his forehead for emphasis, causing his partner to laugh.

"Okay, my vampire, we can take a break if you really need one," India offered.

"You're too late, I've already died and turned into a vampire and now I will be the awesomest vampire ever and haunt all your dances for the rest of your life," Prussia declared.

"So you'll be able to dance without exhaustion, perfect!"


"It's you who decided to haunt my dances, so it would be no problem to just teach you the dances anyways."

"I've changed my mind, I'll be the vampire that never dances again," Prussia pouted. "Can't believe you wouldn't even mourn my death."

"Becoming a vampire doesn't really count as death for me, it's not like you would have been reborn," he explained. "We could still spend time together, just some things would need to be altered to keep you safe. It's not like I'd stop caring about you because of that condition."

"So you'd still love me even if I was a vampire? Even if we couldn't dance in the sun or I couldn't eat your food anymore?" Prussia asked.

"You say that as if you can already withstand my mildly spiced foods."


India smiled and sat beside his partner. "Of course I'd still love you, you're the awesomest dance partner I ever had."

"Really? Promise?"

"With all my heart, yes."

Prussia smiled and leaned up, hugging India tightly. "Hell yeah, of course I am the awesomest! You are my awesomest too, schatz."

India hugged back, and it was sweet and peaceful, just a little moment of kindness in the world.

The moment immediately ended when India asked, "Does this mean you're ready to dance again?" and laughed as Prussia immediately stopped hugging him.

"I'm just joking, how about we take a break to stretch and get some water before we start up again?" India offered.

"Sounds good, but don't mess with me like that again," Prussia said, reaching an arm up to India, silently asking him to pull him up.

India pulled both of them up and smiled. "I won't make any promises, but let's just relax for now."


Author's note:

Yeah that kinda looks like a fic to me. Sorry this wasn't posted sooner this month has just been me having one giant sad bastard moment since gender. Yeah. Also other experiences that I cannot detail without making it sound like something illegal happened or without doxing myself (which is not fun).

So. Yeah it's been a month.

The next chapter should be a cucan fic if I don't make a late halloween special (or I could maybe combine them, who knows). I haven't had time to put together a costume for halloween, but for anyone dressing up, what are you going as? I love hearing about costume ideas! And for anyone going out to trick or treat, please stay safe.

Again, if you have any requests, please leave them in the first chapter! Have a good day, night, and Halloween everyone!

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