Fate In Ink

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Snow never really left the food storage, he was basically eating all the grapes off the vines.You noticed that after Bilbo, tired of begging you to stop playing your 'games', was now cooking your guys meals.He asked you to grab some ginger and salt.

"Okay you I think that's enough, let your stomach settle okay?" You pull Snow away from the grapes, hearing them whine, then finally give Bilbo his stuff "Is it almost done?It smells really good!"

He shakes his head licking his lips "Just give me a minute to add these and cook a little more THEN we can eat."

You nod before heading back into the food storage.You already had oranges, mangos, carrots, pork, ham, and rice hidden away.By what you remember these dwarves eat on till the whole pantry is gone.Once this is all over with Bilbo will be so ever so grateful to you.

You grab a bag and filled it with apples, yellow and most red at that, then tie it shut "This should be enough  I think-?"

"(Y/N)!Dinner is getting cold!"

You sprint to the living room "Coming--hold up.." you took another bag and stuff all the grapes left into it, soon you strap it to your waist then went to meet Bilbo "Sorry I had to do something real quick!"

"Hm?Oh that is fine just...keep that critter under control will you?"

You didn't notice Snow glaring daggers at Bilbo but you sat down, drooling at the food "Don't worry he had a good amount of grapes!" and like that you ate up.

Bilbo looks at you in disgust.You were eating your food like an animal, a wild animal at that.You never ate like that so why are you eating like this?Where has your table manners gone to??

He shakes his head before looking down at his food.He could not waite to chow down on his delicious meal he made.Rubbing his hands together eagerly he grab his napkin, stuff it in his shirt, then grab his fork and stab it into his collar greens.Unlike you he was being a proper gentleman-.


Bilbo and you stop.You stood up, exite the kitchen, then began looking for a good spot to hide your two bags of food.You knew who was behind it so you had little time to hide your stash.Other then that Bilbo was confuzzled.At this time of night who had the mind to come to his home and knock on his door?He was lost so what he do?He got up with hesitation in each step he took and finally opens it.

"Dawlin." He then bows "At your service."

Bilbo froze "Uhh.." he looks around then introduces himself "..Bilbo Baggins..at yours..I'm sorry but do we know each other?"


The dwarf comes in "Now where is it laddy?"

Bilbo was taken back "W-Wheres what?"

Dawlin takes off his coat and throws it at Bilbo "Supper." He then walks the wrong way "He said there would be plenty of food here."

Bilbo blinks, processing the words "Says who-?"

"Oh you must be hungry!" You came back, some ail in hand, giving to the dwarf "Bilbo I will take care of him for you, please follow me mister Dwarf!"

Bilbo was going to fuss with you but he didn't.The moment the dwarf sat down in his seat he ate all Bilbo's dinner, nothing was left.Bilbo sat in the back near the fire pouting and glaring at the dwarf with a death stare as you just made sure he was okay.He was on his 5th mug of ale by the way.

He didn't speak much but turns to Bilbo after he finished his fish "That was good.Do you have more?"

Bilbo got up confused yet still angry "O-oh uh..?" you point out the plate full of biscuits to him, he gives you a thankful look then gives the dwarf the plate, taking one for himself "Here we go-!"

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