Chapter 9

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You look down at your map trying to get an idea of where your trailer was.
As you walk through the maze of trailers alone you hear your voice.
"y/n!" you turn to see the boy again.
You then realized who he was... it was Aidan..
"Aidan?!" you drop all of your stuff and run over to him.
You give him the biggest hug ever.
"i didn't think i'd ever see you again y/n" Aidan said while hugging you.
"me neither" you say while hugging him back.
He pulls away and looks at you.
"gosh it's been so long, how have you been? what's been going on? there's so much i wanna know" he said looking a little overwhelmed by the situation.
"there so much i wanna know about you too Aidan but first i need to find my trailer."
Aidan looks down at him map.
"well by the looks of this map it appears it's very close to mine, and it looks like it would be right overrr..... there" he pointed to your right.
The two of you make your way to the trailers and see that there is a little bench close to the trailers so you set your stuff down on the bench and then you and Aidan sit down.
"wow, i just can't believe you're here, i mean what are the odds of that" Aidan says excitedly.
"yeah i can't believe it either, it feels like a dream."
The two of you try to catch up the best that you can but there were 6 years missed between you and that was a lot to talk about.

"Calling all cast to the front lobby"
you hear a voice from the intercom say.

You and Aidan make your way to the front lobby.
"now that you are all here i'd like you all to get to know eachother as co-workers, fellow actors, and also friends. You are no longer your characters, now get to socializing" the director said.
You look around and see a lot of faces that you didn't see before, *those must be the main characters* you thought to yourself.
You leave Aidan's side and make your way to someone who was hovering over by the snacks.
"uh hi" you say to him "i'm y/n, i play the role of Eight."
"you're the famous y/n, you're practically a legend" the man says.
you let out a chuckle "so i've been told."
"my name is Robert, and i play the role of Klaus."
"oh that's so cool, my friend plays the role of young Klaus, you should meet him! he's really cool" you explain.
You run over and grab Dante.
"Robert this is Dante, Dante this is Robert."
"it is a pleasure to meet my mini me." Robert said sticking his hand out for Dante to shake.
"haha its a pleasure to meet you too Robert." Dante said while shaking his hand.
You leave the two of them to talk while you go try to meet the rest of the cast.
You walk over to one of the girls you saw in the back room with you.
"hi, i saw you earlier but we never had a chance to talk because we had to be in character, i'm y/n" you say to the girl.
"hi y/n my name is Eden."
"it's nice to meet you Eden" you say.
"so how did you hear about the auditions?" Eden asked.
"well i actually heard about it from one of my friends back home, she found the pamphlet in the trash and dug it out because she thought it would be perfect for me" you explain.
"well she was right, i mean look at you, you wowed the directors so much they wrote you in your own part" she said.
"haha i guess everyone does know about that" you say.
"well yeah, it was a part of most of our emails" she explained "it was at the bottom under special announcements."
"ohhhhh so THATS how everyone knows, i was a little confused about that but i guess it makes sense now.... well it was nice to meet you Eden, i'm going to go try to meet some other people now" you explain.
"okay have fun y/n, it was nice to meet you too!"
You work your way around the room and make your way back to Aidan.
"heyy y/n did you have fun" Aidan asked.
"yeah i met almost everyone" you say with excitement.
"hey so i was wondering, maybe later today you could come over to my trailer and make up for lost time and maybe watch some movies with me?"
"that sounds perfect! and we have to tell our moms that we found eachother!!" you exclaim.
"oh yeah our mom will freak out" Aidan chuckles.
"yeah for sure, so what time did you want me to come over later?" 
"well i gotta get a few things done but how about 7?"
"7 sounds good."
"alright i'll see you then y/n."
"yeah see ya Aidan."

Dante walks over to you.
"hey y/n, most of the young cast is going to go have a picnic and i was wondering if you'd join us" he asks.
"yeah that sounds great, what time?"
"like now."
"ohh okay let me go grab my stuff" you said making your way towards your trailer.

You run to go grab your bag which was right next to Aidan's bag.
His bag was open and you weren't trying to sNoOp but you couldn't help but peek a little.
You see something stitched to the inside of his bag but you couldn't quite see you open the bag a little more.
You opened it just right to the point where the light shines on it and you see what was stitched.
It was a polaroid.
But not just any polaroid.
It was the polaroid of you and Aidan from your very first day of school.
On the bottom of the polaroid it said
Best Friends<3.
"Aidan kept this? after all these years??" you say to yourself.
It made you happy and feel so loved it almost brought you to tears, but you were snapped out of it when you heard a voice.
It was Aidan's voice, and it was getting closer.
You quickly grab your bag and run back to the lobby.

"hey Dante i'm ready" you say out of breath.
Dante looks over at you.
"whoa y/n there was no rush you didn't have to run" he said with a chuckle.
He then turned to Blake and says
"Blake this is y/n, i invited her to the picnic"
Blake then sticks out his hand.
"it's nice you meet you y/n" he says with a smile.
"it nice to meet you too Blake" you say shaking his hand.
You all start walking to the park and you get in a conversation with T.J.
As you're talking to T.J. Eden walks over to you and whispers into your ear.
"hey y/n, i think Cameron keeps looking at you."
You then turn to see Cameron quickly turning away.
You jokingly wink at Eden and whisper quietly.
"watch this." 
You then walk over to Cameron.
"hey Cameron" he looks at you and quickly blushes.
"oh hey y/n" he says.
"are you enjoying the roll of young Luther?" you ask trying to start a conversation.
"yeah it's pretty cool actually, and all the people are really nice."
"i know right!!"
"so what gave you the idea to audition" he asks.
"oh it was actually one of my friends back home, she dug the pamphlet out of the trash!"
"sounds like a really good friend" he says with a chuckle.
"my friends might come visit me sometime soon and i'd love for you to meet them" you say with excitement.
"that sounds fun"
You guys talk for a while and lost track of time.
You look down at your phone and the time reads 7:21 and you see 4 missed calls from Aidan.
"oh Cameron i'm so sorry but i have to go, i made plans with Aidan earlier and now i'm late" you say.
"no worries, i'll see you around" he says while he waves and walks away.
You quickly start to rush to his trailer and you try to call Aidan back.
"come on Aidan pick up" you mumble to yourself.
"hello?" you heard Aidan say, you could tell he was upset.
"Aidan i'm sooooo sorry i lost track of time, are you still down to hangout?" you ask eagerly.
"hey it's all good, i wasn't quite done with what i was doing anyways" he says with a small laugh.
"i'll be there in 5 minutes!!!" you say starting to sprint.
"i'll time ya haha" then he hangs up.
At this point you're bolting bc you don't wanna let him down a 2nd time.
You get to Aidan's trailer and walk right in.
"4 minutes and 53 seconds, that was a close one" he says smiling at you.
You were too out of breath to respond so you just laugh.

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