Chapter 15

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You wake up the next morning with Aidan right next to you on your bed.
"Aidan get up we gotta go, also how did you get on my bed?"
"uhhhhh sLeEpWaLkEd" he says smiling.
You glare at him.
"fine it got cold on the couch and human warmth is the best way to warm up so i joined you" he says still smiling.
"fine whatever, we gotta get ready and then grab Dante" you tell him while getting out of bed.
The two of you get ready and head out of the trailer.

You knock on Dante's trailer and he opens the door right away.
"Dante whoa" Aidan says while fanning the air away from his nose "why do you have so much cologne on?"
"oh i do? i guess i accidentally put on too much" Dante says while walking out the door.
"accidentally?" you ask.
"maybe, let's just gooooo."
"let's just hope the cologne wears off by the time we get there" Aidan comments.
You call an uber and the three of you make your way to the airport.
"bro Dante i can't breath" Aidan said rolling down the window.
"no stop you're gonna make it wear off!" Dante says trying to roll the window back up.
"yeah that's the point, you're trying to impress her not suffocate her" Aidan says while slapping Dante's hand away.
"guys no fighting this has to be perfect" you say.
"yeah no fighting with me Aidan it has to be perfect."
"i'm not fighting with you i'm trying to help you."
"whateverrrr just be nice, we don't wanna scare Abby away."
"yeah because she's going to turn around and hop on a plane that carried her thousands of miles so she could come see y/n just because i'm not being nice, yeah that's not how it works Dante."
"okay okay whatever" Dante said anxiously.
"pLuS if anything is gonna scare her away it's gonna be your cologne" Aidan added.
"don't make me separate you guys, we're almost there and i don't want you fighting, also Abby is here to see me Dante not you so calm down" you say.
"uh yeah i know that, what do you think i am, 10?" he asks.
"welllllll" Aidan starts.
"shut up."
"i was kidding chill."
"guys we're here get out" you say pushing them out of the car.
"so when are they gonna be here" Aidan asks.
"it shouldn't be too long it looks like the plane just landed" you tell him.
Dante pulls out his cologne and was about to squirt it but then you grab it.
"NO, you have enough" you say.
"okay okay okay" he takes a deep breath.
"you're acting like y'all are dating" Aidan says while giving Dante a weird look "i mean you've literally never met this person ever.... like ever, you didn't even say hey to her on call you just winked like an idiot."
"whattt that's how i say hey!"
"how was she supposed to know that??"
"i don't know i just assumed everyone knew" Dante says shrugging his shoulders .
"nobody knows that Dante, you don't just wink at people and assume they know you're saying hey" you say.
"actually i do."

You slap your palm to your face and you hear familiar voices.
"Y/N!!!!" Abby and Kelly say in unison.
"ABBY KELLY HEYYY" you run over to them and give them a big hug "there is so much i need to tell you but let's start with the biggest news. "Aidan come over here!!"
Aidan walks over to you Kelly and Abby.
"This is Aidan, he is my childhood best friend, i've known him my whole life but he moved away when i was 10. We never kept in touch so we just kinda forgot about eachother."
"actually i never forgot about you y/n" Aidan interrupts.
"awwww that's so cuteeee!!" Kelly says.
"wait what" you say looking at Aidan.
Aidan was about to talk but then Abby interrupted. "y/n finish what you were saying"
"uh well yeah um then i saw Aidan here and it was kind of like a little reunion" you say while still looking at Aidan.
"that's so cute, are you guys dating?" Abby asks.
"no" Aidan says softly while looking away from you and then at Abby. "no we're not."
"that's a shame you guys seem perfect for eachother" Kelly says.
"you guys aren't the first to say that" Aidan says with a little smile but then he hides it quickly.
"hEyyy whatch y'all doin over here" Dante says peeking his head into the conversation. "what is going on??" he asks.
"uh nothing i was just introducing Aidan to them, and uh well Abby, Kelly, this is Dante, Dante this is Abby and Kelly" you say.
"it's nice to meet you Dante" Abby says not really knowing what else to do.
"you smell good" Kelly says.
"yeah you do" Abby adds.
"hA i told you Aidan" he says looking towards Aidan who is still looking at you.
"well it's pretty hot in here, i'm just gonna take your friends outside and call an uber" Dante says while guiding Abby and Kelly out.

"you NEVER forgot??" you ask while looking at Aidan.
"nope, i never could."
"you never told me that."
"well i guess it was never brought up."
"now i feel bad for forgetting."
"you never forgot, you just never thought about it, obviously if you remember me you never forgot."
"i guess not but i didn't really remember until i saw you, how did you remember all this time?"
"well you see" Aidan says while taking his bag "i never go anywhere without this" he says while opening his bag and showing you the polaroid from your first day of school.
"i can't believe you kept this!"
"you're my best friend, you always have been, and i kept it because i cared about you, and even though you were far away it always made me feel like you were with me."
"aww Aidan" you pull him in for a hug. "you're really the best friend i could ever ask for and i'm glad you're in my life."
"i'm just happy we're together again" he says while hugging you.

"uh i hate the break up this makeout session but the uber is here" Dante says.
"Dante don't be rude, y/n are you okay?" Kelly asks.
"yeah" you look at Aidan and then at Kelly. "i'm perfect."
"aww yay!! you guys are dating now??"
"no, still best friends and i'm happy he's in my life again."
"let's gooooo" Dante says while holding out his arm for Abby to link with. "malady" he says with a smirk.
Abby giggles and links arms with him.

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