Chapter 14

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You, Aidan, and the young cast shot your scene and then we're kicked out of the set for being "too loud".
The eight of you head back to your trailer to chill and discuss the party.
You're laying on your bed on your stomach, Aidan is sitting against your headboard on your bed, Ethan is spinning in your spiny chair, Cameron's is laying on the couch with Eden sitting next to him, Blake and T.J are sitting on the other couch, and Dante is laying on the floor.
The eight of you are discussing your party when you hear your laptop ringing, since Ethan was right by your desk spinning on your chair he answers it.
"y/n we were calling to-" Abby stopped.
"hey" Ethan said.
"you're not y/n" Kelly said.
"i'm Ethan."
"oh my are you y/n's boyfriend!!!!!" Kelly asks with excitement.
"don't you think y/n would have told us Kelly" Abby said.
"well she did say she had to tell us something when we got there maybe this is it!!" Kelly said.
"whoa no no i'm not y/n's boyfriend, don't get me wrong she's great but she's just a friend" Ethan explains.
"yeah she's pretty dope" Dante says while popping up from the floor.
"how many people are in y/n's room?" Abby asks.
"eight" Aidan yells from the bed.
"holy cow y/n has friends?? that's so weirddd. IM KIDDING DONT CRY" Abby says while laughing.
"can we meet everyone?" Kelly asks.
You get up from you bed and walk over to your laptop.
"i'll let you meet everyone when you get here but for now this is Ethan and you've already met Dante back at the hotel."
"we remember, Abby thought he was cute" Kelly blurted out.
"KELLY SHUT UP!!!" Abby yelled.
Dante's eyes lit up and he winked at the camera and then was pushed over by Ethan.
"what did you guys wanna tell me?" you asked.
"we got a flight!! we'll be there tomorrow morning" Kelly exclaims.
"yayy!! i'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow" you say.
"i'll come too" Dante says "uhhh you know, to make sure y/n doesn't get lonely"
"yes!!" Abby exclaims "uh i mean yeah we don't want that to happen."
"how thoughtful" you say sarcastically. "bye guys i'll see you tomorrow" you say shutting your laptop.
"Dante has a crushhhh" Blake says.
"no i don't, i don't even know Abby" Dante says.
"hold on, Blake never said who you had a crush on soooooo i guess that just confirms it doesn't it" T.J. says.
"yeah she has a point" Eden says.
"shut up i've never even met her" Dante says blushing.
"well you're gonna meet her tomorrow" Aidan points out.
"then i guess we'll find out then" Dante says he says while looking down.
Everyone makes their way back to their own trailers one by one.
You walk each of them out as they leave.
The second to last person to leave was Cameron and you walk him out and Aidan tries to follow you.
"Aidan we both know you're not leaving yet so just stay here for a minute" you tell him.
"ugh fine" he rolls his eyes.
You walk him out the door and then say "you know what, why don't i walk you to your trailer."
"that sounds good to me."
As you're walking he says to you.
"so remember yesterday when i asked you out and you said yes?"
"not ringing a bell" you say "i'm kidding i'm kidding, go on."
"well i was wondering if you'd wanna go on a date to the carnival on saturday, it's the last day it's open and i'd love if you came with me."
"yeah of course that sounds like so much fun!" you say to him as the two of you approach his trailer.
"great, i can't wait" he says as he pulls you in for a goodbye hug.
"bye Cameron i'll see you tomorrow" you say while walking away.

You approach your trailer and see Aidan's face pressed up to the window and you see him quickly turn around and run.
"Aidan i saw you" you say while walking into your trailer.
"no you didn't" he said with a stupid smile on his face "what was going on out there, i wouldn't know because i wasn't watching."
"Cameron asked me to go to the carnival with him on Saturday" you tell him.
"but our party is on Friday, you'll be too tired, oh well guess you gotta cancel" Aidan says trying to act sympathetic.
"Aidan for such a good actor that was horrible acting, and i'll be fine."
"well whateverrrr, go have fun on your date and forget all about me" he says with puppy dog eyes.
"stop that" you say hitting his shoulder.
"fineee, i'm going with you tomorrow to pick up your friends because we both know Dante is only going to see Abby so i'll go too" Aidan tells you.
"well thank you. i can't wait for my friends to meet you, you're literally my childhood best friend and i really want to introduce and tell someone about you!!" you say excitedly.
"oh my gosh we never told our moms" Aidan says with realization.
"ahhh we should probably do that now, stay here."
You run to your laptop and call your mom
"hi hun how have you been" your mom asks.
"i've been great but i have something i need to show you" you say anxiously.
"okay sweetie show me."
You motion to Aidan to come over to the camera.
He waves you your mom and her jaw drops.
"is that........ Aidan??"
"yeah. it's nice to see you again Mrs. y/l/n"
"oh my gosh you've gotten so big, it's been forever, how did this happen??" she asks.
"he plays number five! we act together mom" you tell her.
"no way!!! what are the odds of that?? this is crazy i can't believe that this happened! did you tell Aidan's mom yet?" she asks.
"why don't we add her to the call" Aidan suggests.
Aidan adds his mom to the call.
"hello???" Aidan's mom answer the call not recognizing the number "Aidan?? who is tha- oh my, oh my gosh, Aidan is that y/n?? OH MY GOSH Y/N" Aidan's mom says excitedly "i knew you guys would find your way back to eachother eventually, you guys are soulmates and i've known it since you two were little."
You and Aidan look at eachother.
"soulmates? but we're uh, we're just friends mom" Aidan says.
"well sweetie soulmates can just be friends" his mom explains.
"well Aidan you're definitely my soulmate then" you say to him.
"i always thought that if you never moved y/n and Aidan would've dated eachother" your mom says "most of the time your significant other ends up being your best friend."
You and Aidan look at eachother slightly confused.
"changing the topic, how did this happen???" Aidan's mom asked.
The four of you talked for so long you didn't even realize how late it got.
"Aidan it's already 1 in the morning we need to get some sleep if we're picking up Abby and Kelly tomorrow" you say to him.
"we gotta go get some rest but we'll talk to you later" Aidan says while hanging up the call.
"you should probably just spend the night here" you tell him.
"i mean it's not like i haven't already done that" he said with a chuckle.
"well those times were accidental, we fell asleep while watching a movie" you point out.
"i'll take the couch you get the bed" you say.
"uh no, i get the couch, you get the bed, goodnight" Aidan says while plopping on the couch.
"uh- okay then" you say walking to your bed. "goodnight."

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