Part 5- Teasing

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The rest of the week was a blur, days of long, hard training, and nights full of long, hard... well...

As it goes, break came and gone, and students returned to class the following Monday. Mina came back full of talk about her holiday with her family. We caught up about what we'd done over the course of break. She'd had a great time back home and had enjoyed the stress-free environment compared to UA. I had to agree with her on that one. She even brought me back cute earrings she'd found at a gift shop near her home. She's the greatest roommate ever, and my best friend.

Which was why I told her everything.

Well... except who I was now involved with.

After I told her, she sat there, mouth agape. And then, of course, the questions began.

"Who??? Is he a teacher or a student? How did this happen?!?" The questions were valid, of course, all she knew was that I had gone from a virgin to a kinky little slut over the course of a few days, and all with some mystery guy. So yes, I would have been confused too.

I wish I could have told her more, but I had sworn to avoid anything that might put Shota's job in danger. So I zipped my lips. Believe it or not, despite her popularity and how well she gets on with boys, Mina is amazing at keeping secrets.

But I couldn't risk it. For his sake.

UNfortunately, she had just come back on a Monday morning, and it was soon time to get ready to go to class. She bade me a quick farewell to go hop in the shower, while I tried to pick out an outfit to wear.

I was not sure why I was so nervous about my outfit; over the past week, he had seen me in ugly, sweaty training clothes, as well as in nothing at all. An outfit should have been the least of my worries (By the way, they do not have school uniforms in this AU; they choose their clothing).

But I just knew I would have him first period, and that his eyes would secretly be on me the entire time.

After much deliberation, I selected a plain pink tank top, a white and grey plaid skirt, heart-design thigh garters, and platform demonia boots.

I checked myself out in the mirror from every angle, loving every single one.

Mina had since come out of the shower and was getting dressed herself. She wore black skinny jeans, a band tee, and a purple denim jacket over the top. All of this paired with the classic black high-top converses.

We threw our backpacks over our shoulders, smirked at each other, and set off for our first period class.

Upon arrival outside, it seemed everyone was already inside. We walked in, Mina grabbing my arm to pull me over to Jirou, Bakugou and Kirishima.

I hadn;t even gotten the chance to look at him. I quickly turned my head around to see him, and...


He was dressed nicer than I had ever seen him. He was wearing a white button up, skinny slacks that accentuated his *ahem* curves, and dress shoes. Of course, all of this with his signature scarf/capture weapon.

My eyes widened as he made eye contact with me, and I looked away, rejoining the conversation. Everyone was just talking about their spring break.

I tried to pay attention to Bakugou complaining about his asshole mother, but all I could focus on was Shota's eyes on my back.

So that was when I decided to be impulsive. I decided to tease him.

I slowly slid my hands along the hem of my skirt, leaving my fingers at the very back of the seam. Luckily there was nobody sitting between Shota and I, or I wouldn't have been able to pull this off.

I slowly began lifting the skirt fabric, exposing my pink, lacy underwear that I had worn just for him.

I was facing the opposite direction from him, but I knew he'd seen without having to look back. I dropped the hem unceremoniously as the school bell rang.

The class was a torturous one. We all did our work, chatting every once in a while. Today was busy work; we were reading about the history of hero work for our upcoming test. Aizawa was, interestingly, not in his sleeping bag for most of the class.

Every once in a while, I would catch him looking my way, to which I responded by lowering my eyelids seductively and smirking. He quickly looked away, seeming to get a sudden urge to look at the chalkboard.

It was satisfying, to say the least, making him flustered in public.

But then he began to play back.

I was looking down at my textbook, absorbed in the material when I felt a shadow fall over my desk. I looked up to see Shota towering over me. He caressed my cheek and then grabbed it roughly.

"Are you chewing gum in my class, y/n?" He pretended to be angry, but his eyes were glinting playfully. I scorned him in my mind, but outwardly remained calm. I looked around; it seemed all of my peers were watching the scene unfold. My eyes returned to his.

I popped a gum bubble innocently with my lips, savoring the attention it brought to my mouth.

He licked his lips.

"Spit it out." He held his other hand in front of my lips. I used my tongue to lick his hand while leaving the gum in his palm. I saw him gulp.

"Join me for detention after class." He whirled around and returned to his spot at the front of the room. I felt the tips of my lips turn up. I had once again turned the situation around, leaving him the flustered one.

The rest of class went by quickly, and soon enough the school bell rang once again. I bade my friends goodbye with an act of "annoyance" at our Aizawa-Sensei. Mina hung behind the rest of our classmates, then patted my back and told me to meet her in our next class. I nodded and watched as the door swung shut after her.

I spun around, and there he was, grinning at me.

Note: I am very new to Wattpad, so if you could remember to give my stories some votes, and maybe even follow me, that would be great! Thanks so much for being interested in my content. :)

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