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I got home earlier than him, which was a rare occurrence. Knowing this, I stepped into the small bathroom attached to our shared bedroom, and began to strip off my sweaty hero suit. The day had been exhausting; it had seemed as if every area of the city was having a crisis all at once, and I spent the day zooming from one part of it to the other. If hero work was already this exhausting for me after two years, I couldn't imagine what it felt like for him, having been a hero for far longer than I had. My mind wandered to him, how we met, how we told the public, how my family was more accepting than I could have hoped for. They liked the fact that I was with an older man, that he would "keep me safe." Not that I needed keeping safe; I was perfectly capable of that on my own. But, I will admit, having a broad, scarf-clad shoulder to lean on was definitely comforting, and had been in the past couple of years we had been together.

The few months after graduation were a blur; I was interviewing with various agencies, seeing Shota during the day for short dates, and trying to keep up a relatively lively social presence. After I settled into my new job, though, things had begun to settle down. And I wished to settle down as well, with him. He was perfectly fine with that, and I had invited him over for dinner with my parents. They had accepted him quickly; only a slight bit of grilling was good enough for them. Soon after, we had moved into a one-bedroom flat together, and even after the initial "honeymoon phase," life had continued to be a dream with him. It was cliche, I kew that, but I felt as if he were made for me.

After almost two years of dating, of living together, he had popped the big question. It was almost two months since that happened, and we were in no hurry to rush into marriage, regardless of the fact that I had a ring on my finger. We would do it when the time was right. Secretly, my Pinterest feed was riddled with evidence of my recent wedding-dress browsing, but again, we were in no rush.

As if he knew I had been thinking about him, I heard the key in the lock on the front door turning, and the squeak of the hinges as the door was opened, and then closed, locked behind him. I peeked around the corner. With a straight view down the hallway, I could see him seated on the floor in the front room, slowly, tiredly untying his shoelaces.

I didn't bother wrapping a robe around myself; it didn't matter anymore. I crouched down to help him get comfortable, startling him in the process. The shock at my being there before he was, amplified by the fact that I was completely nude, all melted away as his face transformed into a sweet grin. I could feel myself mirroring his expression as he pulled me in for a bear hug, all on the small tiled area before the carpet in the front room.

Swiftly, he finished untying his shoes and gathered me up in his arms, all one, fluid motion. He padded into the bedroom, where he laid me gently on the bed, leaving fluttering kisses down my neck and onto my stomach. He looked up at me with that wolfish grin of his, and said quietly, "let's do it like we did when we first met." And that was enough for me.

Just a reminder, my Mina Ashido WLW fanfic is now up! I am honestly so pumped and I plan to work hard on it as I did this one. I hope you all will stick around for that, and if not no worries. Have a wonderful day :))

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