Chapter Seven

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Ayame's Pov
With a quick motion my hand rubbed across my face, wiggling my nose in thought. I was a healer, and yet I didn't notice the common signs. I wasn't too sure how Hinato was gonna either be happy about having a sibling, or neutral but so responsible for his age.

I rubbed my hands across the hospital bed, and for once in this one entire moment I wish Itachi was here with me.

"Mom? How come they told me I could leave earlier what's going on are you hurt?" I fluttered my eyes open and visually relaxed smiling holding my arms out for Hinato watching him make his way over to me leaning into my embrace.

"I didn't think they were gonna let you out so earlier sweetie," His head nuzzled a few times across my chest his breathing going back to normal and not so rapid as before.

"I just got worried cause my sensei said you were at the hospital." His small little muttered had me holding the back of his head stroking his hair nice and slow like.

"No sweetie I'm sorry they made you worry, just we are gonna have another person with us, you are gonna have a little brother or sister."

"Really! I get to have a brother or sister! Now I really get to take care of you mom! You are gonna be all big and round might even roll down the street!"

"I- yes I'm gonna be round."

"So you really are pregnant hn... Congrats  Is it a niece or nephew?" I stared at Sasuke my eyes holding amusement both of us sitting at the little round kitchen table.

"I will know when I give birth, Hinato is actually really excited already has started protecting the house." A small smile grew on Sasuke's face as he folded his hands under his chin.

"He's gonna make an amazing ninja next year when he gets sorted into his team, I'm a little at ease to know the Uchiha name isn't totally wiped out." I cracked another smile, before I ruffled at Sasuke's hair.

"I'm really surprised you've had time to spend with me with your team, you have one of the best ninjas Kakashi." Sasuke just scoff out.

"My team is annoying, I have Sakura squealing about me every five seconds, and then Naruto all up in my face." Once more I was grinning.

"Wasn't he your first kiss?" The way his eyes snapped open so fast, his glare still there as he blushed.

"Shut up Ayame it was his fault." His cheeks then puffed out.

"I'll always try my best to spend time with you and check up on you... Even though I hate him, I know Itachi would have wanted me to." My expression soften a little at Sasuke and messed with his hair again.

"You do have your sweet moments sometimes don't you kid? Itachi... It's hard to explain." I told him gently gazing at Sasuke even more.

"I just don't understand.. If he was gonna massacre our entire clan how come he didn't kill you?" I stared at Sasuke some more my free hand pressing into my cheek even more before.

"You know Sasuke I ask the same question to myself everyday for the past almost decade I've been alive, sometimes when I feel things get too rough, I wish that Itachi did kill me along with others, but another part of me thinks it's because he knew I was pregnant." I inquired the thought a little taking it all in.

"He probably knew way before I did but let's not think about the past yeah Sasuke." The both of us seemed to stare at one another.

"Stay the night Sasuke, you know I don't like when you are at that apartment all by yourself." He looked like he wanted to argue yet then the young boy just sighed, messing with his hair a couple times.

"Alright I guess it won't hurt, I'll help cook dinner." He stood up for a moment and flashed me a soft side smile, taking off his sandals to set to the side brushing his hands across his grey shorts.

"Also since you are carrying a child who I won't ask who the father is, I don't think you are allowed to do missions and all that." He looked to be tapping at his chin a couple times looking very much confused as he thought about.

"I think I'm allowed to until I start showing, I forgot the rules really." I yawned stretching my arms out rolling my shoulders back going over to the fridge gathering up some ingredients for tonight's dinner starting on the prep.

"I wouldn't risk it- what if you get kicked in your stomach?" I pursued my lips a bit as I thought it over.

"I didn't think of that- but who kicks someone in the stomach?"

"Kakashi Sensei taught us that in situations people will do anything- like anything in that moment."

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