Chapter Two

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Ayame's Pov
"So you and my dad are brothers?" I had my arms pressed deeply across my chest leaning against the kitchen entrance watching Hinato and Sasuke both sitting on the floor in the living room. Sasuke gave him a quick head nod. Glancing up at me. I knew what he wanted.

I briefly walked across towards a picture I had hidden it was a picture of thirteen year old me, and Itachi with a young Sasuke sitting on the ground in front of us. I slowly went over to the two placing the picture on Hinato's lap with a soft smile.

"See that's your uncle Sasuke he was a grumpy kid he still is." I laughed quietly feeling the glare Sasuke shot me but his eyes showed amusement. Sasuke moved closer pointing at me in the picture.

"That's your mommy she had short hair back then." Hinato was looking with so much happiness and joy. "Mommy you were beautiful. " He complimented me. I chuckled slowly stroking his hair.

"Thank you sweetie." He beamed at me before I then pointed to the last figure, speaking quietly.

"And that's your daddy Itachi Uchiha." I whispered gazing at him in the picture, it's funny he wasn't even looking at the camera in fact he was watching me and it brought back the feeling in my heart.

I truly did love him even though it was arranged at such a young age for us to be together. It brought us one piece of us together Hinato.

The following weeks passed and came. And a long the way Hinato was able to grow closer to Sasuke. It was nice to see Sasuke showing interest in something other then the revenge he wanted on Itachi. But I just couldn't shake the feeling away in my stomach.

Usually Hinato walked home from the academy with his friends but today he was late. My mother sense was tingling and I was growing worried. I sighed heavily running my hands through my hair knowing I've almost pulled out so much of my hair.

The slamming of the front door startled me. But on was more startled to watch a small Hinato dragging in a unconscious man. "Hinato! Where have you been what the hell!" I yelled at the young boy, but he was more determined of dragging the unconscious man across the floor.

"Mama!" He quickly slammed the front door shut before he rushed over to me grabbing my hand he pulled me over to the man who was still knocked out cold with a cloak covering him.

I scanned my eyes across it, the little clouds, the red and black color familiar to me. "Hinato." I was speaking but he then tugged on my hand roughly and that's when I got a better look at the person, a loud gasp leaving me, before Hinato spoke again.

"Fix daddy he is bleeding he's gonna die."

I don't know why I did it. But it has been years since I had seen Itachi in person. he was grown. He has cut his hair. But he still looked the same. I ended up patching him up and taking off his cloak. He was an s class level criminal here in the hidden leaf village.

Parts of me wanted to cry, remembering I was a medical ninja so I fixed him up with ease. Must have been using his eyes too much.

I stood near the end of my bed. Hinato was laying on the bed next to Itachi. He should be waking up, in five, four three, two, one. I counted in my head before hearing a loud groan escape from his lips. Those eyes fluttering open before they were staring at me almost like in a haze.

"Ayame?" He questioned quietly "Don't try and move you won't be able to for a few hours, what are you doing here Itachi? You know you shouldn't be here in the village." I whispered.

He was still looking at me before He looked towards where Hinato was curled up into his side. "Is this?" He slowly choose to ignore my previous question, slowly lifting his hand up to place on Hinato's head while he slept soundly without a care. Itachi's red eyes held a pain look, and it was something I haven't seen in forever.

"That's our son, his name is Hinato Uchiha." I whispered. "Hinato." Itachi slowly whispered running his black fingernails through Hinato's hair he slowly shut his eyes deeply.

"I was doing a mission but the target was more powerful then I anticipated. I was on the edge of the village when this young boy dragged me back here." I snapped my gaze back to Hinato before breathing out a heavy sigh knowing too well he would do something like that.

"Try and get some rest will speak once you have Itachi." I slowly sat down in my seat on the end of the bed and I felt Itachi grab my hand making me look at him.

"Your hair grew... You're still beautiful."

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