Chapter Six

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Ayame's Pov
"Hey Ayame... I've been curious for like forever but.. How did you and my brother you know meet? Technically you are an Uchiha so." I glanced over at Sasuke a little.

For once I wasn't sensing that much hate radiating off him like usual. But it was after the second phase of the exam. But I knew it was just gonna grow way more out of control and I wasn't ready for it like at all.

I hated to say that he scared me just a little. He had stuff and hate in him that no kid his age should really have.

"What brought this on?" I asked a little confused seeing him sigh a little setting his chopsticks down.

"Well every time I see Hinato. I sort of see myself you know? I vaguely just always remember seeing you when I was younger. I even remember you holding me when I was baby, so I just was always curious."

I hummed gazing out across the large pond a little, no one still was allowed to visit the old Uchiha compound. Brought back to many painful things.

"Well Sasuke that's cause, me and your brother were set in an arrange marriage around we were thirteen I would say." I answered chuckling quietly.

"Your mom and dad choose me because of my own clan. I had quite the clan but they were killed off during one of the old wars, I'm one of the few left. So they wanted to try and mix the Uchiha clan and Hyo clan. My clan like how your clan focus is eyes, ours is with hearing and touch cause we are healers." I chuckled a little.

"They wanted me to restore my clan." I blinked my eyes a couple times.

"At first Itachi couldn't stand me, I mean who would? No one wants their whole life to be picked out like that. He already had a girlfriend when the decision was made. And he just grew to hate me when he had to break up with her."

I leaned back a little on my hands cracking a smile at the sky keeping my ring hidden from his view, feeling his eyes on me.

"I just vaguely remember a long haired Itachi, he was so quiet and all the girls loved that about him I even remember us being in the Anbu Squad together. He was cold and a man of few words, it took some time but we became friends before we accepted our fate and fell in love." I smiled shutting my eyes a little.

"I remember when you were born actually, you were such a brat and wouldn't let anyone but your brother, or your mom and dad hold you." I started laughing loudly at the shocked expression on Sasuke face while he scowled.

"What! No way! " He exclaimed at me fast looking like he wanted to throw something at me to get me to be quiet as quick as possible.

"Oh yes way. I remember that day Itachi was letting me hold you. He was trying to show off your cuteness to everyone at the Uchiha compound, so this girl wanted to hold you. You started crying as soon as she held you oh my god." I laughed much harder then before almost snorting.

It got funnier the more I thought and was remembering how quick Itachi grabbed him making me hold Sasuke who cuddled up to me like right away.

He had to explain to that poor girl Sasuke was just a little brat. "I would never." Sasuke huffed looking away embarrassed his face still the deepest red I had seen.

"From that day and the way Itachi was with you, I knew there shouldn't be any worries for the future with our kids. He was amazing but he never got to meet Hinato as a baby." I explained to as simply as I could to Sasuke without giving anything away.

"Hn... I can actually imagine Itachi being an ass about an arrange marriage, but I thought you said you aren't gonna date again?" Once again it was my turn to stare at Sasuke so damn confused.

"I'm not dating anyone? What are you talking about Sasuke?" I questioned out again watching how it was his turn to stare at me confused.

"What? Then what the hell is Neji talking about." Sasuke grumbled rubbing at his head deeply.

"I was freaking training with him, and then he activated his byakugan and was like. Hey Sasuke isn't that Ayame? Your sister in law is pregnant. Looks like your a uncle again."

My face twisted up so quickly before the horror took over my face so quickly. Recalling just a few times with Itachi being there somethings happened when Hinato was fast asleep.

"Oh shit..."

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