Chapter Eight

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Ayame's Pov
I think a part of me always was gonna be overly protective over Sasuke, being as that may, I know part of that was because I always promised Itachi I would look after him, even with his reckless behavior, I had been hearing since after the Chuin exams he was even more reckless then before. I knew that most adults of the village just had to let the kids do what ever they want in order for them to grow, yet it still felt a little wrong in my mind.

I remember at the age of eight after the massacre had happened. I had tried to get Sasuke to come live with me and Hinato I thought it would be what helped that poor boy, but he declined, I should have just trusted my gut and brought him home.

"Knock knock!" I watched the startled not look up from whatever thoughts he was doing a deep scowl growing on his face when I entered inside the hospital room with him, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hn.. Hi Ayame.. You are showing how far along are you now?" I flashed him a soft smile for a moment reaching out to grab his hand which he was hesitant but he slowly held my hand back squeezing at it.

"Four months now... I heard you were being reckless and rushed off on a mission that wasn't for you, so spilled what happened?" The tightest grip tightened on his hand, watching him grit his teeth harshly.

"He wasn't even after me... He wanted Naruto I saw Itachi... He broke my arm didn't spare me a glance Ayame! He showed me their death over and over." I felt my entire body tensed up so suddenly staring at Sasuke in shock seeing the anger he always had was just fueling in him even more.

"Sasuke.." It was all I could manage for a moment before he was pulling his hand away.

"How could I be so stupid.. You had seen him, he's the only person you love besides your son... How long had you known he had been around Ayame go on and tell me?" Another heavy sigh tore through my lips bowing my head down for just a moment brushing my fingers across my cheek for a moment as I spoke.

"I'll explain all I know... Maybe if us adults actually told you kids things you wouldn't go out and get killed all the time." I took a few deep breaths in before I looked up to stare into his eyes.

"Around a couple months back Hinato came back to the house with Itachi, said he was injured and wanted me to save his life which I did. I let Itachi stay hidden at our home for quite some times because I one needed answers, and two Hinato was so excited to see his dad. My first thought wasn't to tell a single soul and to just help him." I paused a little rubbing my sweaty palms across my pants.

"It just reminded me of when we were younger... That a part of me like a child was selfish and didn't want him to leave. So I've been trying my hardest to cling to the idea of being a happy family with not just him but you as well. Sasuke.. You have to understand that your brother loves you... He always has and will. I know it's so hard to understand but you need to know that he had to do what he had to do when he was younger... And that he was made to do anything now that's hurting you." Sasuke let a loud growl out slapping my hand away this hurt flashing across his face in a instant speed.

"Get out of my face Ayame... How could you sit here in my face and tell me he had to kill our entire clan?! That he would willingly hurt me over and over! Hurt you." He snapped out another bitter laugh looking away.

"And then there he goes again knocking you up with a second child leaving you stranded how naive can you be?!" I sighed heavily placing my hand over my face to rub at it roughly snapping back.

"Sasuke your entire twelve years of knowing me your sister in law have I ever lied to you?! all I've ever wanted was your safety and to make sure you were okay. For once don't be stubborn and listen to me." I pleaded.

"No! Get out Ayame!" But I didn't listen I pulled him so close to me, feeling he was fighting back so hard against me angrily before his exhausted body just slumped forward weakly hugging me back, I rested my head on top of his own stroking his back up and down my own little tears leaving me when the sudden stress sprung out on me all at once.

Could I really do this all a second time?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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