Chapter Five

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Ayame's Pov
"Can you promise to be careful?"

"There's a fifty/fifty chance every day I could die on any missions I complete-"

"Itachi I'm saying be careful, as in careful." A low sigh escaped past his lips the both of us standing on the bridge our bridge. Like every good thing, it had to come to a short end with Itachi having to return back to the Akatsuki.

Hinato was very wise and cunning for his age so he understood his dad couldn't always be there, and he kept his dad being here a secret just like I did.

"I know you are naturally born reckless so, I can't keep you safe but." I hummed tugging off a small necklace that was wrapped around my neck. Itachi watched me quite closely in confusion before I placed the necklace around his neck.

"Let me and him be a little guide for you yeah?" I smiled watching Itachi raise his hands to click open the locket a very faint smile crossed his face when he traced the picture of me and Hinato closely.

"I'll keep it close, but don't frown, you know I'll be back to visit you." His hands then moved away from the locket to gently brush away my hair from my face and cheeks tucking it behind my ears.

"You know this faintly reminds me back when we were teens." I chuckled weakly turning to watch the rushing water from under the bridge. Our first kiss was shared here, the engagement and followed by the pregnancy. We shared a lot here so the bridge was always gonna be a memory.

I felt him then cup my cheeks in his warm palm, he cradled my cheek deeply before he pressed a faint kiss to my forehead kissing all over my face slightly.

"It's not exactly like when we were young cause I didn't come back, this time I am goodbye Ayame... I'll see you sometime soon I left something for you on the bed." He whispered his lips faintly brushing across my own before he was kissing me gently, my hands gripped quite tightly at the ends of his cloak savoring this one last kiss I would share with him for a while.

I folded the last bit of clothing placing it inside the little basket in the hallway. I made sure to keep myself busy for the rest of the night, not wanting sadness to linger around the house.

I perked up just a bit when Hinato came rushing towards me from out his bedroom grinning at me.  "Mama I finished making the bed, I'm gonna go freshen up for dinner, uncle Sasuke is coming over isn't he." I smiled standing up from the basket nodding my head licking my inner cheek after the deep house clean.

"Yeah he is, Sasuke will never admit it but he gets lonely in his apartment by himself, I'll go get started on dinner let me go finish doing the laundry," I informed the small boy smiling gently when he hugged me tightly.

I returned the hug deeply stroking his deep black hair a few times before listening to him closely.  "Don't worry mama I'll protect you always I promise dad I would so I will!" My eyes grew soft yet again at his loud proud words before I was smiling sweetly lifting up the young boy holding him close I smothered him in a lot of kisses hearing his very loud laughter.

"Yeah? That just means we both will have to protect one another." I giggled nuzzling my nose with his before I set him down carefully letting him rush back into his own room. I rubbed my fingers tips at my cheeks before I entered my own bedroom shutting all the lights on, I made my way over to the bed in confusion.

I pulled back the blanket not seeing something first, but I then lifted up the pillows, and right there in place was a little black and red rose ring, just waiting there. I blinked a few times before I scooped up the ring a little in quite surprise holding it close I didn't know why I didn't recognize it at first before I felt the tears leaving me.

This was my engagement that Itachi had made. He said it took them quite a while to make it and I faintly the night after the massacre the ring was gone from my nightstand. I smiled sadly tracing the rose slowly before I slipped it on my waiting fingers gazing at it when I planted myself I sit back on the edge of the bed.

After all these years Itachi Uchiha you still have my heart like no other and still, know how tangle my heartstrings in a very good way.

After all these years Itachi Uchiha you still have my heart like no other and still, know how tangle my heartstrings in a very good way

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