Chapter Three

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Ayame's Pov
"Itachi stop staring at me."

"What else am I suppose to look at." I chewed at my lip nervously washing the dishes away, taking a glance into the living room Itachi sat on the floor with Hinato who was showing his car collection.

He was really impressed with it. It took a few days for Itachi to regain strength but even then Itachi Uchiha had his limits as well and needed rest from all his Chakra usage.

It was more harder to hide an S class criminal then you would think. I shut the sink off quickly touching my face to calm my racing heart down. I wasn't a girl anymore with a crush like I use to. I'm a grown woman with a son.

I looked to see Itachi was watching me yet again and I held back the urge to roll my eyes but then I panicked when I heard knocks on the door before I heard Sasuke's loud voice.

"Ayame! Open up I don't have all day." I never moved so fast in my life. I was helping Itachi up who was looking at me confused. "Is that Sasuke?" He asked me. I was pressing my hands on his chest urging him to my bedroom.

"Itachi go to my bedroom now if he sees he is gonna kill you."  I hissed. He just flashed me an amused stare "I liked to see him try. " I just groaned.

"Itachi go now," I ordered but he was being stubborn and an ass at the same time. "I will if you kiss me." I looked at him in disbelief but I saw he was not playing around.

I internally groaned and leaned up pressing my lips onto his awaiting ones feeling him return the kiss deeply he slides his arms around my waist bringing me close.

I moved my lips slowly with his before pulling away when the knocks brought me back to reality "go now." I whispered. All Itachi did was let a small hn out before he was moving towards the bedroom.

"Remember what I said Hinato," I said sternly, he gave me a deep head nod and a thumbs up. I opened the front door seeing Sasuke's annoyed gaze, but he looked semi-relaxed.

"I'm here to hang out with my nephew, I'll bring him back later I promise." I bet my heart was pounding fast and I looked suspicious.

"Hinato!"  I called but he was already running towards the door beaming at Sasuke who gave him a faint smile. I fixed my clothes a bit noticing how rearranged they looked. Sasuke lifted an eyebrow and made a smart comment.

"What do you have someone over? I can keep Hinato more if you need some one on one time." He sent me a smirk with a knowing look, and I could hear Itachi laughing quietly.

"Sasuke I may not be your sister in law anymore but I still will smack you," I warned. He tossed his head back laughing before he took Hinato's hand walking off.

"See you later." I shut the door behind me and turned around to see Itachi coming out of the bedroom and he was genuinely laughing "it's not funny." I huffed trying to walk past him but he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"It was kinda amusing." He chuckled his eyes still holding a blank stare. "You can't stay here." Itachi just looked at me and made me lift my chin up to gaze him.

"Let me stay a little longer. I promise I won't cause trouble, I need to at least know our son please." Itachi whispered. I stared into his deep red eyes, the one I fell so easily for.

I sighed and let my hands rest on his chest before nodding my head deeply "fine... Fine God I already feel I'm gonna get in so much trouble." I started panicking more on the inside, and Itachi just gripped my chin more.

"You seem really really stressed maybe I can do what I use to do when we were young," Itachi whispered flicking his eyes to my lips. I knew exactly what he meant and let the loudest squeak out quickly pushing him away from me.

"Itachi Uchiha hell no." My entire face was hot with heat and I fixed my clothes yet again.  "You wanna get me pregnant again?" I called over my shoulder entering the kitchen again.

"It wouldn't be the worst thing I've done." Cue me choking on my salvia. I looked at Itachi in shock.  Since when had he been this blunt with no filter. Was this the same Itachi I grew up with.

"Itachi you really are something else." I laughed quietly slowly leaning on the sink I held my face wondering I what was going on with my life. Was I still in love with him?

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