Chapter Four

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Ayame's Pov
Carefully I handed Itachi the plate to hold which he gripped leaning up on the counter watching me with watchful eyes. I hummed a quiet melody to myself focusing solely on the task at hand. Making dinner for two big babies. In fact. Itachi was one of the best cooks I knew.

"Can I do anything to help?" I set the knife down to rest on the cutting board and tucked away the strands of my hair "can you wash off everything for me?" He gave me a small hn but said nothing more and turned away from me turning on the sink focusing on washing off everything for the meal.

In a strange way, we were a family, a very deranged messed up family. I turned on the stove adding the rice with the vegetables, moving to let Itachi add in everything else letting him take over.

I grabbed a towel drying my hands off before I heard the little footsteps running into the kitchen a very frantic and happy looking Hinato.

"Dad! Dad." Itachi tore his gaze away from the food and slowly focused on Hinato when he shoved a piece a paper towards him.

"What's this young one?" He questioned, I smiled at the sight watching closely " My test results. " Itachi scanned both his red eyes back and forth before a faint smile made its way across his face.

"You're a very intelligent one you scored a few points higher then I did when I was your age." Hinato let a soft giggle leave his lips when Itachi pressed his fingers to his forehead gently and I started to think faintly.

If Itachi would have stayed when he was thirteen if things would have been different. Could he have had a normal life after the whole massacre. It just made me think quite a lot.

"Do you ever sleep anymore?" I briefly glanced up from sitting on the floor in my bedroom, Itachi was sitting on the bed drinking some tea he made himself.

Nothing about us screamed normal at all. But somehow we worked together well for Hinato's sake. Itachi had been here for almost a month and somehow I managed to keep him hidden without Kakashi sensing him or anyone.

Especially Sasuke but it was too good to be true for this to be a slightly happy ending. I knew  the Akatsuki   would be looking for Itachi soon.

"Do you ever drink tea like a normal person?" I chuckled shaking my head left to right looking back at the book in my lap, briefly leaning my fist on my cheek in thought.

"I haven't been able to sleep right in years, not since." I didn't get to finish cause Itachi was speaking. "The bridge? The night I promised I would come see you and say goodbye correct." In the dark, I felt his skilled eyes watching my every move here in the dark.

"You got it." I mumbled weakly chuckling hiding the hurt in my tone I cleared my throat "listen Ayame, I have a lot of regrets in my life, maybe doing things differently could have ended differently. I know a few things in my life were right, when we were young." He slowly paused the tone of his voice shifting.

"Number one was our marriage at a young age, we were young and didn't know better cause of our stupid families, my regrets never can be with you and Hinato just look at you two." He whispered.

I quickly felt my eyelids grow heavy and I wiped my eyes quickly listening to him "My love for you is still strong as of today. I might not be around all the time from now on, but I'll always be back because I'm still in love with you, and I love our beautiful son. That's never my regret. " I smiled sadly looking at my lap keeping my head bowed down. I whispered weakly.

"I believe you Itachi... I do." I chuckled weakly wiping my damped cheek, even more, sniffling weakly.

"Come here." He whispered. I heard him say the teacup down someone and I stood up leaving the book abandoned on the floor climbing into my bed.  Itachi wrapped his arm around me bringing me close to his chest wrapping the blanket around us both pressing a small kiss to my head.

I enjoyed the moment for what it was. And I enjoyed the moment for what little time I truly had with him. I felt him rubbing my sides before he pressed another kiss to my head whispering to me.

"I'm sorry I left you alone on our bridge, I should have shown up for the person I felt the same about." He whispered quietly making me chuckle just the slightest "do you remember the way to the bridge?"

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