Chapter 3

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Harry's POV.

It's Tuesday and we're on our way to The late late show. I am currently with Barbara and Niall in the car and we're singing songs and enjoying each other's company. I can't wait to tonight's show. I've been literally awake the whole night, because I couldn't sleep from all the excitement. It might be a little bit childish, but that's just the way I deal with enthusiasm.

I know my friends are not different cause they've been telling me how much they're looking forward to it. 

We're already parking Niall's car and getting out of it. We're trying to find the way inside the building, but it's not that difficult, cause there are many people. We walk past the bodyguards and try to find the way to the hall where the show is supposed to take place.

We finally got our seats, Niall sits between me and Barbara. I look around to see other people also taking their seats. When I suddenly see few familiar faces. It's Louis, Zayn, Liam and Eleanor. I stare for a while. What's the possibility that they would be here too. 

It's like Louis feels my eyes on him and turns to my direction. He meets my gaze and stares for a while too. He winks at me and turns back to his friends. I turn away too, not really sure why he winked at me. It's uncomfortable.

Few minutes later, the show starts. All spectators stand and clap because James Corden is about to come to the stage. 

He comes with a huge smile on his lips. Good vibes spread all over the room. He introduces himself and starts the show. We sit down and listen to the news he tells.

He starts with playing the first game of the night. 

"Ladies and gentlemen it's time for a game. We've tried to play this game so many times but we've never succeed. But this time we've rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed it. You know what I'm about to say. I smell a good time, you smell a good time. It's time for Celebrity noses!"

The crowd goes wilde after this. I can't blame them, this is my favorite game. I can't help myself but laugh all the time. Not even sure why is this so funny.

But instead of a signature tone of Celebrity noses, we hear Tonight I learned. James obviously doesn't like that and immediately starts asking Reggie Watts what's wrong. He says that his monitor tells him to play Tonight I learned. They argue for a while and I can't help but smile.

"Incorrect graphic" says one man from his staff.

"I know it is, why?" James doesn't get where the problem is.

"Human error." The crowd laughs.

"What does that mean?" James asks.

"That means that there's a human error." I laugh so hard and see my friends doing the same thing.

James starts the game from the beginning by saying the very famous sentence: 'I smell a good time, you smell a good time. It's time for Celebrity noses.' But instead of the right signature tone, we hear 'Kick it out. Bring it back'.

James starts to losing his temper. He starts yelling and throwing his hand in the air.

"Incorrect graphic." 

"I just said Celebrity noses, why would you sing Kick it out. Bring it back?!"

"Honestly, James, I don't really listen to you. I just look at the monitor, what it says." Reggie replies. I can't, this is so funny and stupid and I absolutely love it.

"How can this be happening?!!" James is getting really mad. We can see that he finally wants to get it right.

"Human error."

Shit, maybe I miss you//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now