Chapter 13

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Harry's POV.

Ach. It's been a week and I'm still confused.

It's been a week since the school trip. It's been a week since Louis kissed me. It's been a week since I spoke to him. It's been a week since the last time I saw him.

Honestly I don't know what to think. I can't get that kiss out of my mind. I keep thinking about it and playing the whole scene over and over again. 

He's been acting like an idiot for a long time and then out of nowhere, in the middle of the night on the school trip, he kissed me. Like who he thinks he is?! He can't just kiss me. That's not fair, I wasn't able to disagree. He just makes me soooo confused, I don't know what to think or what he wants from me.

On the other hand, I have to admit he's an amazing kisser. I've kissed a few girls in my life, but not even all of them combined were as good as Louis. The way his soft lips touched me and his tongue danced with mine, that was just overwhelming.

I know it's kind of my fault, that we haven't talked about it yet, cause right after that make out session, I ran away. And now I've been avoiding him on purpose. Nonetheless I have a valid reason. He has a girlfriend! And that's a big problem in my opinion. OMG, he cheated on his girlfriend and with ME?!! Oh shit, I didn't realised that. What if that ruined their relationship. I mean, I don't know if Louis told her, but he cheated on her!!

However there's another issue. I am not a gay. I'm not into guys. I like girls. Period.

What am I talking about?! He doesn't want to have anything with me. I'm just a kid he makes fun of. Moreover I don't want to have anything with him either. So what the hell am I thinking about?! I should rather hurry up, Rose is waiting for me.

"Hi," Rose says, when I finally get to the place where we were supposed to meet ten minutes ago. But I got distracted by my thoughts - Louis. 

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

"That's okay. Where do you want to go? I heard there's a nice coffee shop."

"Sure, we can go there," I agree. Rose and I decided to go out for a coffee, we want to get to know each other better. I think she's a great girl and we might be friends.

We enter the coffee shop and order our drinks. I decided to get a caramel latte and she has a cappuccino.

"So, how have you been?" she asks, when we're sitting inside the coffee shop.

"Well, not great not terrible. What about you?" 

"Honestly, it was not good, but it's getting better," she shrugs.

"Do you want to talk about it? I am here for you," I say honestly. I don't like seeing people sad and feeling shitty.

"No, that's okay. I got over it," she gives me a small smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I try to change the subject.

"Sure, whatever you want."

"At the anniversary party, you said you were invited, because Eleanor is kind of your friend. What does that mean?" I've been curious to ask this for a long time and I figured that now is a great time to do that.

"Ehm, that means we used to be friends, but now we're not."

"Why? If I'm being too nosy, just tell me to fuck off." She chuckles.

"No, that's okay. I know Eleanor for 15 years, we've always been great friends. We spent so much time together, I trusted her more than anyone. And one day, when we were out shopping, I told her one of my secrets. I loved Louis Tomlinson." She keeps quiet for a while and I'm kinda shocked.

"I loved him and when I told her, she promised to help me to get him go out with me. She made a plan and I thought that was brilliant, because all I wanted that time was Louis. The plan was that she became friends with him first, because she was more popular. And then she was supposed to talk nicely about me in front of him and that should have made him go out with me. But the problem was that.." she takes a deep breath.

"She slept with him. Not once, not twice, but so many times. She didn't tell me, I thought they were friends and that she was helping me, but instead of that they were fucking. I found out by a mistake, I've seen them in the bathroom and that broke me. She knew I loved him, so so much, but she didn't care."

"But the worst part of that is that she didn't even liked him back then. She just wanted a fuck buddy. So when I found out, I stopped talking to her and I haven't seen her until I attend the party."

"Rose...I am so sorry you had to go through this. She's a bitch. So why did you attend that party, you're not friends and it had to be very hard for you."

"That bitch invited me just to piss me off and I didn't want to give her that pleasure. My plan was to go there and I wanted to seem like I don't care, like I'm over it. Honestly it was incredibly hard to see him with her.." I am so sorry for Rose, she didn't deserve that. She's a pure angel and she should be with someone who loves her more than anything.

"But you did it. You were great at the party. I didn't even notice, that you weren't okay."

"I'm a good actress. I can hide my feelings," she shrugs and takes a sip from her cappuccino.

"You're really good."

"What made you fall in love with Louis?" I ask hesitanly.

"I've never spoken to him, at least not in the real life. But still, I fell in love with his personality. I loved the way he talks, how he expresses his thoughts. Sorry, but his british accent is the hottest thing I've ever heard. I loved his piercing blue eyes and his long eyelashes. I loved his smile, which is very cute. I loved that he's tiny, like a small bean. I loved his brown feathery hair and he has an amazing ass. But most of all I loved his sargastic and playful side of his personality," she was blushing while telling me this. I could see that she really loved him. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

"No, that's totally okay. Now I get it. The way you described him, is just beautiful. You had to love him deeply."

"Yeah, I did," she nods with a smile on her lips.

We stayed at the coffee shop for another hour and talk about so many things. I really like her, she's a great girl. Then we said our good bye's and I went home.


It's midnight and I'm thinking.

About Louis.

About everything Rose said. I mean she was right, there are many nice things about Louis. I also like his playful personality. He gets on my nerves, but sometimes I enjoy it.

She mentioned his amazing ass. Honestly I haven't noticed yet. I have to check that out.

She talked about him, like he was a God by his soul and look. I mean she's not wrong.

Not that I'm happy to admit this, but I miss our little fights. The way he always made me uncomfortable. The way everything felt so intimidating with him.

Shit, maybe I miss Lou.


Hey guys!

Harry finally realised he might like Louis!! That's a big step. Did you like this chapter? Let me know. Please vote and comment!

Mary x

Shit, maybe I miss you//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now