Chapter 16

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Harry's POV.

Finally the bell rings and I'm sprinting out of the school. I need to get home as soon as possible, because today is a special day. I AM HAVING A DATE with Louis, my boyfriend. I have to smile while thinking about him. I've never felt like this before. 

Louis will be here at 5pm, so I have 2 hours to get ready. I have to look per-fect. I take a long warm shower to relieve my muscles from stress. I've been nervous the whole day. What if I say something wrong? What if it will be awkward? What if he won't like me anymore after this date? These thoughts won't leave my mind.

On the other hand, I'm super excited. Is has been a while since I had a date, so I hope that everything will be okay and we will have a good time together. 

I get out of the shower and with a towel over my hips I go to my room. I stand in front of the wardrobe, not sure what to wear. I know Louis told me to wear something comfy, but this is our first date, I can't just go in sweatpants and old shirt.

After running through the whole house, screaming that I have nothing to wear, I made a decision to wear my usual tight black jeans and pink button up shirt with white dots. I leave three buttons undone, for sure. I love the pink color and honestly I don't think I look bad in it.

I am ready, I take a deep breath when I find out that I still have five more minutes

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I am ready, I take a deep breath when I find out that I still have five more minutes. I don't know what to do, so I just walk around the table in the kitchen. Yeah, I know I'm weird, but it just calms me down.

It's 5 pm and the door bell rings. Louis' here!

I open the front door and there he is. He's wearing a black jeans and a green adidas hoodie. I've never seen it before but I immediately fall in love with this hoodie. It just looks soo good on him.

(I had to put this photo here, even though there isn't the whole outfit

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(I had to put this photo here, even though there isn't the whole outfit. But his cheekbones are just ahhh - sorry, I had to.)

"Hi, babe. You look amazing," he smiles. He's so pretty. I have to blush, hearing the pet name.

"Thank you. You look great too." His eyes are sparkling and I'm totally lost for this boy.

"Let's go, I have great plans for us today," he winks and makes his way to the car.

Shit, maybe I miss you//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now