Chapter 17

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Louis' POV.

It's Friday and I'm once again walking with Eleanor, hand in hand, to school. I have a huge smile on my lips since the morning, because of Harry and how well our date went. Honestly I was a bit nervous about it, cause it wasn't as my dates with El, this was just so ahh. I can't explain that feeling. 

"Ew, look at them," Eleanor says with a disgust in her voice, pointing to a pair, holding their hands and walking to school as well.

"What's wrong?" I am missing the point why she's so disgusted.

"They're both boys!"


"You don't remember what I've told you?" she sighs.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. El is against gay community. 

"No one will ever tolerate them. This whole thing is just so wrong. They're sinners. They will go right into hell for this. Why can't they see that in relationship there is supposed to be a girl and a guy. Not two guys o two girls or whatever. Ah, this is just so disgusting."

This is a part of the reason why I don't wanna come out and be with Harry in public. I've been listening to these things for a few years from Eleanor. And she really got under my skin. Thanks to her I'm afraid that no one will accept me for who I am and everyone will judge me. Especially my friends and family. I don't know their opinions, but I am too scared to ask them about it.

Why can't I be with a person I like without being judged?

I don't reply to her and she stays silent too. We walk inside the school, I place a quick kiss on her cheek and then she's gone.

"Hi, lads," I greet Zayn and Liam.

"Hey, it's friday and I've been thinking about a party at my house tonight, what do you say," Zayn raises an eyebrow, already knowing I'll say yes. I always say yes to a party.

"Hell, yeah man."

"Cool, I'm going to buy alcohol with Zayn after school. So will you come at 5 and help us prepare the house?" Liam asks.

"Sure, I'll be there."

"Thanks man."

Then we seperate our way and I go to my first period.

As always it's boring as fuck, I don't like any subject at school, so what the hell am I doing here? Oh, yeah, the education. Boriiiing.

I started thinking about Harry again. So I took my pen and wrote the first thing that came to my mind.

I might never be your knight in shinin' armor
I might never be the one you take home to mother
And I might never be the one who brings you flowers
But I can be the one, be the one tonight

I'm looking at the paper full of words and I realise that it really suits us. It shows our situation right now. I might never be his knight in shinin' armor and all those other things, but I can be the one tonight. I want to give him everything I can now. I know I'm selfish, cause he deserves so much more, but I can't let him go. I can't. He means so much to me. 

After the period, I throw this letter into his locker, waiting for his reaction.

@Harrystyles Omg, Lou. I love this one. More than you think. I know what you mean by those words and I already told you, that I will give you as much time as you need. I don't  want to pressure you to come out. Let's take things slow. I happy now, with you xx. 

@louis91 Thank you, it means so much to me too. You mean so much to me. I am happy too, babe x.

@louis91 Btw there is a party at Zayn's tonight, will I see you there?

Shit, maybe I miss you//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now