Chapter 19

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Louis' POV.

I wake up from a beautiful dream. Obviously it was about Harry. I dreamt about having a non secret realationship with him. We walked through the school, holding our hands. Then I kissed him in front of everyone and no one gave a shit about us being together. God, how much I hope this will be truth one day.

@louis91 Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?

@Harrystyles Good morning, Lou. Pretty well, you?

@louis91 Great. So I'll pick you up at 10 am?

@Harrystyles Yes, can't wait to see you.

@louis91 Same, Hazza x

@Harrystyles xxx

Dammit I'm falling for this guy.

I decide to wear yellow sweatshirt with my usual black jeans.

I decide to wear yellow sweatshirt with my usual black jeans

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I walk downstairs and Lottie is sitting in the living room.

"Hey," I greet.

"Hey, have any plans?" she asks while watching TV. The big bang theory. I love this show. At first I hated Sheldon but now, he's my favorite character. 

"Actually I wanna get a new tattoo today."

"You do? That's cool." Lottie has always supported my decisions, even though she thought it was stupid. She wanted the freedom of choice for me. So whenever I wanted to do something, she was always on my side. I think that's incredible and I'm grateful for that. For her.

"Right. Anyway I gotta go. See you later, Lotts," I say, leaving the house.


I drive to Harry's house and he joins me in the car.

"Hey, Lou." He leans closer and connects our lips into a sweet kiss.

"Hmm, hi." I whisper and get lost in his beautiful emerald eyes.

"Yellow looks good on you. You look like a sun," Harry says while we're on the road.

"Thank you, babe."

We drive through the city and pass the tattoo salon.

"We aren't going to this one?" he asks.

"No, we're going to the different city."


"We can be seen here, you know."

"Oh, yeah. I see," he sighs and points his gaze on the floor.

"I'm sorry," I say and place my hand on his thigh and start stroking. I see him smile at my action and I know that everything is okay.

We drive about half an hour until we finally get to the right place. This is one of the best tattoo salons around. I've already been here a few times, I know the owner.

Shit, maybe I miss you//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now