Chapter 21

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Louis' POV.

"Louis, I'm home. I thought-..." Lottie steps into the room and she freezes, not being able to continue.

Harry is in my bad, straddling my lap and he's shirtless. My sister is in shock. She definitely didn't expect to come to my room and see this. 

"What the fuck?" her mouth is widely open and she keeps staring. 

"Lo-Lottie, what are you doing home?" I ask, my voice is shaking.

"I give you some time to get dressed, then I want to talk to you downstairs, Louis," she announces and leaves my room.

"Oh, fuck," I swear and run hands through my messy hair. Harry is still sitting on me, but he's not moving.

"Harry? Baby?" I slightly touch his hip and he blinks a couple of times.

"Louis, we screwed up," he whispers and rolls his body off of me and line his torso beside mine.

We lay there for a while without saying a word. We both have thoughts running through our minds. We were supposed to keep it a secret, but now Lottie knows. What if she'll be mad? What if she will judge me for being with a guy? What if she will hate me?

"I should go." Harry stands up and he's looking for his shirt.

"Harry, no..."

"You need to talk to her. Alone. It's better if I go home."

"Okay," I sigh.

We leave my room and in silence go downstairs. I open the front door for him and he looks me in the eyes.

"It's gonna be alright, trust me. She will be okay with it. Just text me later."

I nod and pull him into a hug. He squeezes my little body and places a kiss on my forehead. Then he's gone, the door is closed behind him.

I take a deep breath. I'm not prepared to have this conversation with anyone, especially with my own sister.

I can do it, I'm strong, I told myself.

Lottie is sitting on the couch and scans every move I make. I walk over to her and sit on the other side of the couch.

We stare at each other, until she speaks: "With Harry? Harry Styles?"

"Ye-yeah. Lottie, I just... I don't know what to say." My eyes are pointing to the ground. I don't want to see her disappointed face. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"What if you start with how? How the hell did this happen? Few months ago you hated each other and now he is naked in your bed? What the heck Louis?"

"He was not naked," I protest.

"Really? That's the only thing you answer?"

"Okay, I tell you what happened."

I take a deep breath and start talking.

"We've always didn't like each other. I made fun of him and somehow embarrassed him all the time. He hated me for that, I knew he despised me and I didn't care. He meant nothing to me. I was a terrible person and I treated someone special horribly. But then somehow, I don't even know how it happened, I kissed him. And since that I couldn't stop thinking about him, he was on my mind all the time. I felt the urge to kiss him again and again. We talked about it and I found out he felt the same, it was mutual. And that's practically how he ended up in my bed, shirtless."

"Wow Louis. Are you serious right now? I thought you still date Eleanor and that you're straight."

"Well, that's the problem..."

"What do you mean?"

"I still date her, but I also date Harry."

"What? Louis, that's not right!"

"No, I mean it like I am with Harry, but I date Eleanor in public. I don't like her anymore, so it's just for people. Me and Harry, we decided to have a secret relationship, cause we are both afraid to come out. I've always thought I like girls, but obviously that's not true. Harry is not a girl."

"Why are you afraid to come out?"

"I am scared that people will judge me, that they will hate me for being myself. I'm afraid that I'll lose my friends and most importantly my family. You all mean so much to me and I don't want to disappoint you. I don't want to make you feel ashamed for having a gay guy in family..."

"Oh, my Louis, I would never ever judge you for being yourself. You should be with the person you like and don't care about any other's opinion. You deserve to be happy with whoever you want. No matter if that is a girl or a boy."

"Thanks Lottie, that means so much."

I stand up and go give her the biggest hug ever. I'm so grateful fo my sister and how well she took this. I should have never doubted her. 

"Louis?" she says after we pull away and sit this time beside each other on the couch.


"Can I ask you one more thing?"


"When I had a crush on Harry, oh gosh, this is so weird. You're dating a guy I wanted," she chuckles and then continues. "You told me that he's not a good person, that I deserve someone better and he's not good enough. It looks like you've changed you mind about him."

"Yes, definitely. I didn't know him back then properly, but now I do. He's one of the best people I know. He's caring, loving, charming and incredibly cute. I love the way his eyes are shining every time we kiss. I love the way he looks at me and really listens to me. He cares about me and doesn't take me for granted. He wants me in his life as much as I want him in mine. More like I need him. Since we got together I've never been happier. He makes me laugh and feel appreciated. I love his curly hair, his looong legs and the way everything is so big on him. I just want to hug him and never let him go."

"Lottie, I've never felt this for anyone. I think- I think I love him."

At this moment I realised it. I really love him. I love this guy more than anyone in my life. He means the world to me. 

"Omg, Louis. This is so beautiful. I'm so happy for you and so proud of you."

She leans in and gives me a tight hug. Her small hands are squeezing my body and I am smiling like an idiot.

"Thank you. I love you Lottie."

"I love you too, brother. But you have to tell him, he needs to know."

"I know I'll tell him as soon as possible," I am still smiling and she's too. Thank God, this went better than I thought.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" she asks and I nod. 

We ended up watching movies the whole evening and I didn't forget to text Harry, that everything is okay and that I miss him.


Hey guys!

I know this was a shorter chapter, but also very important one.

Hope you liked it. Let me know. Vote and comment!

Mary x

Shit, maybe I miss you//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now