24. The Rise of a New King and Queen

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Flora took a slow sip of her warm tea as she stared at her white gown. The brunette could not believe that she was actually going to have an official wedding and remain married to Hayden — she was beyond ecstatic. Flora's thoughts were interrupted as Indiana skipped into her room with a big grin.

       "My best friend is getting married!" Indiana cheered as she approached Flora, a bottle of white wine in one hand and a corkscrew in the other.

       Micaela walked in right after her and gave Flora a greeting smile. "I never thought I'd end up being a bridesmaid for the future Queen, but thank you for including me."

"You have made adjusting to this new life easier and are one of the people here that I have gotten close to." Flora replied as she engulfed Micaela into a hug.

Flora stared in awe at Indiana and Micaela. Both of them wore a light pink gowns with embroider flowers on them. Their locks were tied into similar low buns as a diamond headband decorated their hair.

"Come on, let's get you ready." Indiana walked over to the mannequin that displayed the big white gown and began to remove the dress from it.

       With Micaela's help, Indiana and the lady's maids began to help Flora into the first layer of her dress. Putting on the petticoat was harder despite all four woman helping.

       "Finally," Indiana sighed as the first layer was placed on. All they had left to do was slip the top layer on without messing Flora's hair nor makeup. The blonde zipped up the dress and made sure it was not too tight around her friend. "Ready?"

Flora slipped her feet into the matching white heels and nodded. "Let's do this," she said with a bright smile.

        The double-doors opened and Flora was escorted down the main staircase with Indiana and Micaela right behind her. The estate staff stared in awe at their princess soon-to-be Queen. Flora gave them a shy smile as she walked past them and into the royal gardens where the priest and their guests awaited alongside Hayden.

       "You look beautiful," Flora's dad gushed as he stared at his daughter with ready eyes.

       "I'm so happy you are here." Flora whispered to her dad as they embraced each other in a warm hug. The brunette was glad to have her parents present at this wedding and it made it all the more special.

       "I wouldn't miss this for the world." Keith replied as he patted his daughter's hand. The two stood in together, their arms interlocked awaiting for the ceremony to begin.

       Micaela walked through mesh curtains draped over the entrance to the garden followed by Indiana and then the ring barriers. Camilla gave Flora a reassuring smile before walking through the curtains with her basket full of rose pedals.

       Flora took a deep breathe as she stared ahead at the mesh curtains. The sweet melody of the piano and violin began to play and the curtains were opened which allowed Flora and her father to come into view. Everyone turned to the bride and stared at her in awe. Flora's hand was gripping her bouquet tightly from the nerves, but she soon found herself at ease when her eyes landed on Hayden. The couple smiled at each other, their eyes swelled with happy tears as Flora and her father slowly approached Hayden.

"Take care of her," Keith whispered to Hayden and the groom nodded with an assuring smile as he took Flora's hand in his. Hayden gave Flora's hand a slight squeeze as the couple smiled at one another.

       "You look beautiful," Hayden mumbled and Flora felt her cheeks flush.

       All the invited guests, which including a few high-ranking royals and close family and friends turned to face the priest as he began the ceremony. He motioned them to sit down and they followed his request. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today this man and woman join together in holy matrimony..."

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