16. The Florence Feast

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       Flora felt something heavy draped over her waist. With a huff, the brunette opened her eyes and found Hayden's arm wrapped tightly around her, his leg draped over hers. Flora could not help but smile as she turned around and faced her sleeping husband. After talking about more happier childhood memories, Hayden escorted Flora to her room, but Flora asked him to stay with her, of course just to sleep and Hayden had agreed after Flora assured him one hundred times that she was comfortable with him staying with her.

Looking over at the golden clock on her night-stand, Flora noticed it was already nine in the morning. The brunette tried to slip out of bed, but Hayden only tightened his grip. "A few more minutes, please." He begged as he snuggled up to Flora.

       "Hayden," Flora giggled as his breathing tickled her neck. Flora wriggled out of his grip and stepped out of bed. "We have the Florence Feast to attend."

       Hayden grumbled at the reminder. "Ugh, why?" He whined, brining the covers over his head as Flora opened the curtains to shed some light into her room.

       "Come on, it's going to be fun!" Flora pressed on as she plopped onto the bed. "There's going to be food, games, and mechanical rides!"

       Hayden held onto Flora's left hand as he peaked out the duvet covers. "But cuddling all day with you is ten times better."

Flora smiled down at Hayden as she played with his messy raven-locks. Flora's soft touch rocked Hayden back to sleep as his eyes slowly began to close.

"Good morn— what is he doing here?" Indiana asked as she burst through the doors, alarming the couple. "Ohhh, you guys did the dirty deed."

Indiana wiggled her eyebrows playfully and Flora simply rolled her eyes. "No, we didn't."

       "Technically, we did," Hayden smirked mischievously as Flora's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. "Are you flustered, my love?"

       Indiana burst out laughing and Flora turned to Hayden with a scowl. She smacked her half-sleepy husband with her pillow as she kicked him out of her bed. "You are unbelievable Hayden Valentino!"

       "But that is how we got into this mess — so technically we did." Hayden defended with a cheeky smile, but Flora ignored him. "I'll see you in a bit, my love."

       Hayden leaned down to kiss Flora's lips but she simply turned the other way. Hayden laughed her angry-fit off and kissed her forehead. He walked out of the room, still yawning and rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

"So...did you guys actually d—"

"No!" Flora was quick to respond and Indiana raised a suspicious eyebrow, still not believing her friend. "I told him about my brother —"

Indiana gasped as she heard this and walked over to Flora's bed. "What happened? How did he react?"

"He listened to me and understood why I had decided not to let myself fall in love and then —" Flora smiled at the memory. "He told me he loved me and we decided to give our relationship a chance."

"Oh! My! God!" Indiana jumped out of the bed squealing. Flora chuckled at her friend's reaction and when the blonde finally calmed down she turned to her friend. "I knew it! I knew you two would end up together!"

"Which reminds me — why didn't you tell me Hayden had feelings for me?" Flora cocked an eyebrow and Indiana awkwardly looked away.

"I knew that if he told you, you would get scared and run away or push him away." Indiana admitted. "So, I may or may not have told him to wait until you came to him instead."

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