09. The Duty of a Journalist

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"Try your best to keep your back straight." Madam Greer as Flora attempted to walk in a straight line without dropping the books balancing on her head.

       "I thought they only did this in the movies." Flora commented causing Madam Greer to laugh.

       "Believe it or not it helps with posture." She replied.

       "A princess should maintain a good posture." Guilia added as she lifted her gaze from her needlework embroidery, giving Flora warm smile.

"And learn to listen." Queen Rebecca as she walked in with Hayden and Stephanie behind her. "I thought we instructed you to wear heels on a daily basis?"


"My wife is making tremendous sacrifices as it is." Hayden interrupted. "Having constant foot ache will not be one of them."

       "Hayden," his mother said, sending him a stern look, but the raven-head boy was not fazed.

       "Mother," he replied, returning a blank expression as he crossed his arms over his chest.

       "She is to be the Princess of Italy and—" the Queen paused as she turned to glare at Flora. "The future Queen."

"That does not give you the right to exploit her." Hayden argued.

       "Then maybe you shouldn't have rushed into a marriage with a commoner." Queen Rebecca retaliated. "Stephanie have them prepare the royal helicopter."

"Right away your majesty." She replied, a small smirk playing on her lips as she walked out of the room behind the Queen.

       "Dear do not listen to her." Guilia said as she embraced the embarrassed brunette. "There will be many that will doubt you and if you are capable enough to fit this role, not just the Queen, but others around you. But you keep your head up high, because true queens do not bring others down, they guide them and help them flourish."

"Thank you," Flora replied as she gave the Queen Mother a grateful smile. If there was one thing Flora had learned from her unfriendly encounters with the reigning Queen was that she had to get used to these harsh comments, as they would become a common thing in her life when others deemed her an unworthy princess. As long as she believed in herself, then what other's thought of her did not matter.

       "I should get going before my daughter-in-law decides to leave me behind." Guilia commented with a slanted smile. She bid the couple goodbye before also exiting the room. Madam Greer followed her lead, giving the royal couple a courtesy as she exited the room.

"I have informed Benjamin to prepare your vehicle." Hayden informed as he put his phone away. "Would you like to go on with today's interview?"

Flora nodded before proceeding to state, "I won't be the one answering the questions, but rather asking them, so yeah."

"Very well," Hayden nodded, accepting the brunette's response.

"Your highness, the car is ready for whenever you'd like us to depart." Benjamin announced as he joined entered the library room.

"We should get going then." Flora replied as she picked up her light pink trench coat. The pair followed Benjamin out the room and into the corridors of their home. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

       "What is it?" Hayden asked.

       "I would appreciate it if we could inform my parents of our marriage before they find out through the news." Flora said, holding her breathe as she awaited for Hayden's response.

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