01. Prince Minus the Charming

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     The young brunette groaned at the soreness of her petite body. She ran a hand over her throbbing temples, letting her eyes absorb her unfamiliar surroundings. Panic soon overtook her as it dawned on her she was not in her bedroom. A large crystal chandelier hung above her and surrounding it were white glossy coffered ceiling tiles. The confused twenty-year-old tilted her head to the side only to jump back in surprise at who laid next to her.

       "No, no, no." She chanted with a constant shake of her head. She moved the gray silk covers from her body and found herself dressed in her birthday-suit. She gasped at the sight and proceeded to step out of the bed as carefully as possible.

       The naked man next to her stirred and she froze not wanting to wake him up. As he turned a crumbling sound could be heard. Flora picked up the wrinkled sheet of paper hidden in between the sheets. Marriage Certificate, it read and Flora's eyes widened when they landed on her sloppy signature written on the paper. Her eyes than moved to the glistening wedding band strapped around her slim ring finger.

       "Shit." Flora cussed as she took a step back, only to knock down the red beryl crystal pyramid that sat upon a white polished drawer with golden rims.

       "What the?" The hoarse voice caused Flora to freeze and slowly turn to look at her husband with a frightened look. His squinted eyes turned to Flora. It was then that Flora was able to recognize the face of her one night stand--Hayden Valentino, the one and only Prince of Italy.

       "Aah!" Flora screamed as she swung the pillow in front of her toward her lover's face. She was quick to slip into the dark blue silk dress laying on the floor and grab her nude heels resting beside it. The brunette ran out the bedroom door only to find herself surrounded by three very confused maids. Flora pushed past them and headed to the nearby suite elevator.

       "Don't let her leave!" Hayden exclaimed as he stepped out of his bedroom holding their wrinkled marriage certificate in hand, but it was too late as the doors to the elevator had closed before anyone could do anything.

       Flora leaned against the polished wooden walls and heaved a long sigh as she rubbed her hands over her temples. "Maybe it was fake." She said to herself, but of course she didn't believe her statement.

       The loud 'ding' of the elevator announced Flora's arrival at the lobby floor. Flora stepped out and many of the hotel's customers turned to her alarmed and confused which reminded Flora that she was shoeless and with wild after-sex hair. Flora quickly ran to the entrance doors and made her escape. She jumped into the first cab she saw and sighed in relief.

       "Where to?" The driver questioned in a demanding tone which only made Flora more upset.

       "Tiffany Hall." She answered and the taxi man began to drive away from the tall brick building. Flora rested her head onto the window as she let the events sink in. Her eyes then lowered to her left ring finger where the silver wedding band still rested. "What did I get myself into?" She mumbled to herself.

       The driver stared at her through the rear-view mirror with a concerned look. Flora ignored him and rested her head on the cold leather seat. Everything she had been through since last night was something she would have never done, yet here she was, in a taxi with a wedding band strapped around her index finger.

       "Shit." Panic overtook the brunette as she mentally face palmed herself for forgetting her purse and everything valuable in it at her husband's suite. The driver was quick to notice Flora's situation and came to a screechy stop causing a ruckus of beeping horns and loud exchanges of cuss words behind him.

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