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In mid-June, I started packing Lennon's bags for his summer session of music camp.

"Are you ready to tell your dad and Harry?" I asked squinting my eyes at my son. "I didn't like keeping this a secret from them."

Lennon sighed and nodded his head.

"Yeah," he mumbled. "I'll call dad right now."

I watched as he picked up his phone and asked Siri to Facetime his dad.

"Mom said I need to tell you what I'm going to do tomorrow," Lennon rolled his eyes.

Alexander took a deep breath, "go ahead, son."

"Well..." he paused and turned his back toward me. "A few months ago, I tried out for Fred's Music Camp and got in. That's where I was for Spring Break and I'll be going tomorrow and staying for five weeks."


"I am SO proud of you, Len," his dad said finally. "I wish you would've told me sooner, but that doesn't change anything. You did this all on your own - what a major accomplishment."

"Thanks, dad," Lennon grinned. "The spring break session was an incredible experience and I'm really looking forward to this summer session."

I left the room when Alexander asked for more details and if he could escort him for drop off. Going through the checklist, I started to reminisce. My first born son was going away - alone- for most of the summer. He was growing into such a kind, creative, intelligent young man. Just as the tears began to fall, Evelyn walked into the room.

"Mummy, why are you crying?" she asked with a concerned look on her face. "Did you get a boo-boo?"

"No, sweetie," I smiled lightly. "These are happy tears - I'm very proud of all my babies."

She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek before galloping off to the playroom.


The next morning, Alexander arrived in his Tesla to take Lennon to camp. Harry, the kids and I hugged him and wished him luck on his summer adventure. Lennon hopped in the car with an enormous smile on his face; my heart beamed for his excitement. I loved the fact that he had found a love for music on his own terms. The music he enjoyed listening to and creating was much different than both Harry's and Alexander's.

Alexander's Tesla turned out of sight and I realized everyone else had gone back inside. I took a breath of the warm summer air and retreated to the living room. I noticed Bas was looking a little sad - obviously, Lennon being away for a month was going to be tough on him as they were best friends. I decided that we needed to find something he would enjoy doing.

Evie was begging him to read a book to her, so I pulled Harry aside and asked what we could do to cheer up Bas. He suggested that we come up with a special "Bas Day" once a week - sorta like a 'yes day.'

My husband was a good man. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his beautiful lips. I felt butterflies in my stomach and wished we could go upstairs - to unwind - but that could happen later.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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